I fucked your mother.
I fucked your mother.
Ford blames the issue on non-factory outfitters that drill holes into police SUVs to install extra equipment like lights and radios. In visits to police departments, the company has seen multiple examples of holes that weren’t sealed properly after the equipment and wiring was installed.
The United States and Great Britain are two countries separated by a common language.
Agreed. The thing is, these planes have the technology now with squawks, but the squawk can be turned off by the pilot, and it’s how we lost track of the planes on 9/11. This is to keep ground controllers from getting overwhelmed with information. There needs to be some sort of system that can’t be turned off. And…
But...but...science! Rigorous experimentation!
This genius already proved it.
It’s not the first time we’ve gotten an offer to trade in our car, just the first one to use a natural disaster to get us into a more expensive vehicle.
It’s not the first time we’ve gotten an offer to trade in our car, just the first one to use a natural disaster to get us into a more expensive vehicle.
Don’t they manufacture those just west of Houston along I-10? It used to be Stewart and Stevenson, then BAE, now Oshkosh. Or something like that.
I thought it was video from Sturgis at first.
One of the worst things that came with the CD era was the loss of the big record jackets and the amazing artwork that came with them.
One of the worst things that came with the CD era was the loss of the big record jackets and the amazing artwork…
I cannot lie....
Here, let me google that for you.
If only those pedestrians hadn’t been walking there. They share some of the blame, to be sure. Clearly, some of them moved over into the path of the speeding van when they should have stayed to the right.