
It’s like admonishing my twin boys. “Jimmy! You broke the rules!” “But Johnny did it too!”


I, for one, am thrilled to live in a world where The Hydraulic Press Channel is actually a thing.

Thanks. I read the book, never watched the show.

What is that from?

I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment.

Get this woman a sandwich. Stat!

That's coming out of your paycheck, son.

I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment.

I’m reminded of the car washing scene from Cool Hand Luke. “Lucille.....”

Everything you wanted to know about the U-2 chase cars from your friends at Jalopnik.

Definitely a 777. You can tell because Airbus airplanes are ugly. And also, the reasons that Jcarr stated. This is the aircraft in the top photo (SU-GDO). Note the letters on the front gear door.

Those legs go all the way up.

I didn't know either. Biycim old. TMNT was after my time.

I had bacterial pneumonia with rigors a few years ago, and I went from feeling fine to being on the floor shaking uncontrollably in about two minutes. And I was in my mid-40s. So I can sympathize.

The look on her face: “Really? Again?”

The shoes don’t match the car.

You’re married too?