
Well, this post is 8 months old. Prices have come down a bit since then.

A sex tape that doesn't suck? That would pretty much describe any tape I might make with my wife....

My pleasure. It’s a fascinating article. I recommend it.

“One of the biggest problems we’ve had in the [pilot] community is getting past the idea that it’s a helicopter that flies fast,”[former Bell test pilot and aerodynamics instructor Bill] Leonard said. “It’s not. It’s an airplane that hovers. And if you fly the airplane like a helicopter, yes, it’s very difficult to

The Posse is a restaurant that sells beer, so you should be good to go. But I don't know if the rules change after a certain hour. Best to call and ask, but you should be fine.

$kay’s not here yet? Okay, I’ll be back.

Irving police released this photo of the bomb clock. They also announced that the boy would not be charged.

Exactly. Everyone.

I don’t know. I wasn’t there.

He didn’t show his English teacher. He showed his shop teacher, who cautioned him against showing it to any other teachers. Then the thing started beeping in English class, and the teacher wanted to know what it was. It was the English teacher who reported him.

There’s no point in getting it if you don’t brag about it.

It’s all about the composition. The triangle.

Or Mike’s creditors.

Agreed on all points. I usually record the show and play it back, skipping all the time spent recapping what Edd is doing. I wish they spent less time with that and more time showing Edd work.

Exactly. As I said, “Buy a car, fix a car, sell a car.” That’s it.

And to a certain degree, they’re still doing that. It’s not about frame off restorations. It’s about taking an old car, adding value and making it quite presentable. Not pristine show quality, but a car you can be proud to drive on a daily basis.

My pleasure!

“I’ll go put the kettle on while you get to work.”

Edd China is 6’7” tall. He’s pretty huge.