Learned something new. Thanks.
Learned something new. Thanks.
And I thought the F-35 was easy pickings.
A marching army breaks cadence when crossing a bridge, and I doubt the architects ever imagined a bunch of people dancing on those walkways. They probably do now.
I love the SP.
You’ve actually probably got a better chance of getting hit by lightning.
I know.
They made a TV movie about it back in 1990 called Miracle Landing. It starred Wayne Rogers (M*A*S*H) and Connie Sellecca.
Dude needs to stay inside.
Seriously, the odds of something like that happening to you twice would be about the same as getting struck by lightning twice.
I hope you don't work for the NTSB.
MiG-29 was introduced in 1983.
The plane gained somewhat of a bad reputation for falling out of the sky. It was known to lose roll and yaw control at high power settings and low airspeeds. During flight testing of stall characteristics, aileron and rudder authority would be lost while the wing would continue to generate lift. This is generally…
Its rumored that the airplane was able to make a safe landing at another paved landing elsewhere in south Florida.
Apparently. That would explain the amount of blood.
They're grounded to the ground.