
So when does Jalopnik get to drive it?

Torque is not power.
Torque is to power what area is to volume.

Better yet. Why chase the ambulance when you can drive it?

Letting off the gas completely could get you into trouble. It upsets the balance of the car and unloads the rear wheels. This likely won’t happen with plastic tires or on ice, because the difference between static (grip) and kinetic (slip) friction isn’t that large, but it’s a risk on dry roads with good tires.

I’ve always had to pay extra for restraints with an Escort.

Zip ties and vice grips should not be included in CL photos, if you want to sell a car. It makes me wonder what else is held together by cable ties, clamps and hope. CP.

I understand that it is basically their entire job, but shit, you don’t have to be an asshole to them. They are still people. Again, I’m going to reiterate this: It’s not hard to act like an adult.

They could do a joint venture with the Red Wings and Dodge and call it the Bob ProbeRT

3rd Gear: “I Knew Nothing”

I’m not all that interested in recourse which kicks in AFTER I’ve been hit by a texter while I’m riding my motorcycle.