All jobs don’t pay for a lunch break, only the 15 minute breaks. I’ve never heard of a job that pays for a lunch break.
All jobs don’t pay for a lunch break, only the 15 minute breaks. I’ve never heard of a job that pays for a lunch break.
Go GOP. Go Reagan Democrats. Go their Libertarian spawn. The fewer who have firsthand experience with unions, the fewer who understand the power of collective bargaining, the strength of solidarity, and how looking out for others isn’t a handout or a scheme but the best way to look out for yourself.
“right to work” is the biggest bullshit ever.
The whole false union narrative the GOP has put forth really is just a *billionaire’s talking point*.
My hours: 8-5 mandatory with an hour lunch. Paid for 40, not 45 hours. You bet your ass I took my full hour of lunch every day. Otherwise I'd be working for free. No option to leave early. I think this is pretty standard unfortunately.
“in a fucking “right-to-work” state. If I wasn’t expected to “make up” the time I was taking a lunch break, believe me I’d fucking take it”
^^THIS. The erosion of unions is a bunch of medieval bullshit. The 1% have *all time record profits* and productivity, yet they want more, are greedy f*cks and will ride you to…
Oh several GM cars were victimized with these mini cube sealed beam lamps that were so small there was no way for them to have an efficient reflector and beam pattern spread.
Once, long ago, I was like many of you: a young, beautiful gadabout, ready to drink lustily from the frothing cup of…
Oh you mean the civilian version of the M577 APC from the movie Aliens? Every time I see the headlights on those cars, I’m reminded of it...
Say what you will about its performance and reliability, the Vega is a damn sharp looking car. The Camaro headlights look perfect on its compact liftback body.
Surely inexpensive safety regulations backed by solid research data aren’t a partisan issue.
You’re probably right, I just like to pretend our government isn’t completely non-functional. Surely inexpensive safety regulations backed by solid research data aren’t a partisan issue.
I worked in insurance at one point, and they would explicitly not allow us to use them, due to conflict of interest.
Game, set, match? Until the RS is out, they still haven’t built anything that can keep up with the now 5 year old Cobalt SS TC, and we don’t even know if IT will outpace the lap times the SS is capable of.
Yeah, that pesky Cobalt, going around setting records at the Ring. Curse it.
Potentially top-tier stockholders and the 1% rich execs sitting at the highest positions in the company in bonuses to fuckover America. Then again apparently even Americans are getting so dumb they’d rather their community have minimum wage paying jobs, higher crime, and despair in order to give even more money and…
$498.33 for the car, and the remaining $1.67 to buy an air-cooled 55hp Beetle engine. Should bolt right in!
I would drive the hell out of an LS SL.
Doug, Tavarish would want you to buy that Mercedes for less than the price of a honda Type R badge at autzone and the proceed to fix it up. It would be a great series of articles, and it would be interesting to see if you could maintain your love for an unreliable European car that doesn’t have a Carmax warranty.
I think you meant to say: