I got trapped once because a freeway was shut down for George W Bush. That was the worst day.
I got trapped once because a freeway was shut down for George W Bush. That was the worst day.
Like sanctions. But with your vagina.
This makes me fear for the gay male couples. Who will be their moral compass? Will they always fight about the big piece of chicken?
1. Make sure that your man is cured to a water content less than 80%. Your man should then keep without spoiling at larder temperatures for a time depending on fat content.
I'm sorry, fuck that noise. Be a GROWN UP.
For all the guys who think it's helpful to add "personally, I like small boobs" to this discussion: this is an interesting counterpoint to that tired response. Also:
I think I have a pretty good handle on it. I read fanfiction and am exposed to a lot of fan media, and I am a queer girl on the internet. The internet did help me explore my sexuality and learn about LGTBTQ issues safely, and I appreciate that. Fanfiction is a great way to explore writing.
My husband and I have a long running joke that we will apply to anything in life.... "Once I finish making this spaghetti, I will finally be happy". "Once we paint that bedroom wall, I will finally be happy". "Once I get through this week at work, I will finally be happy."
I encountered something similar, unfortunately. I went to the wedding of a family member, someone I grew up rather close to, to which I didn't bring a gift for almost precisely the same reasons. The wedding was out of town thus calling for round-trip train fare and required an overnight stay in a hotel, not to mention…
God, I miss my paper dolls. There's something about them that just speaks to the frustrated craftperson in me.
A guy tried to ask me if I was into ass play. I said, "Sure. I don't have a problem with getting out the strap on." He didn't like that answer very much, but I have been laughing about it for years.
one of my male friends who I think VERY highly of once told me that he only compliments women in situations where he knows there will be no pressure.
I actually agree with this. I think a lot of guys think "wow, I'd like to fuck you!" is a compliment because it's how they would receive it, if a woman said that to them. But of course, that's because men–especially white men–are operating from a position of power; they rarely worry about rape, force, assault, etc.…
Facebook is perpetually offering me access to a divorce lawyer, which is suuuper helpful considering I am not and have never been married. Do I just seem sad or something?
I asked my boyfriend why men do this and who taught him not to. He said its when men feel like they have nothing to lose, and he doesn't do it because he was brought up to believe that you get more (overall, not sexually) from people if you treat them with respect.
That makes me so incredibly sad. Last time I checked, American was built by foreigners and immigrants.