
And men’s room wide-stancing in 3.. 2.. 1..

Ehhhhh, I want to give the benefit of the doubt here, truly. When it comes down to it, I know I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing that one of my daughter’s day care workers hates being there. I’m not asking for it to be their pride and joy or life mission, but as a parent, it would concern me. Especially given how much

it's a subsidiary of Rex kwon do.

Meghan Trainor's video for her third single, "Dear Future Husband,"

I don't know. I've been pretty good the few times I've watched the teen version and I am fiercely competitive at trivia, so even if I didn't win I would go down in a fucking blaze of glory.

If I recall correctly, she also made a derogatory remark about the transgender community when she found out that her fiance at that time cheated on her with a transgendered person. She quickly apologized, because part of her fan base is the gay and, im assuming, transgendered community, but she did put it out there. I

Agreed! Every week, I thought, get a normal hairstyle, and then maybe I'll be interested in you ctiticizing someone else. But Joan loved her, for some reason. And I just hated the way she threw Giuliana Rancic under the bus this week. She's worked with the woman for five years. A statement of, "I know her well,

Yay! So happy that Kelly the hypocrite is leaving the show, I suspect she won't be heard of ever again, she's not exactly talented.

At which point he'll become Hispanic for sure.

"Give me a call, we'll talk about business, yeah that's it, business and girls too, girls girls women girls and sports!"

And then 2018 the GOP gains a foothold again...lather rinse repeat. /cynic

I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was disappointed. I voted, and it feels so utterly pointless when I see this.

Allow a cat on the counter? Hahahahahahaha......

One of my kittehs likes to lounge at his water bowl like a lion at a watering hole....

That is my cat judging me for when I eat pasta for breakfast!

I was a young women in the middle of the grunge zeitgeist of the 90s, and that is the single worst song of that era.


Sounds like his member is hangin' tough.

Quote from my time slogging in the Starbucks Drive Through, "I like my coffee like I like my men; Strong and Black."

Coffee Mate is liquid diabetes corn syrup jizz. PASS.