
Like Jake Peralta before you, you have no proof he ever took that class.
I also think those are fair points, but I'm not necessarily bothered by what they've done with Holt's character - they maintain a lot of what the revealed of him early on, but I don't know how you could get past that first Christmas episode of

I've learned not to take showrunners at their word for the most part, but one of the creative forces on the show did say on Twitter that they're not going to kill of Shaolin, and I'm hoping that's true. They also said his is s a story of recovery and survival, so I'm certain they've got more planned down the line for

I agree wholeheartedly with all of this. The kids have been mythologizing their musical journeys from the beginning, it's always felt like a vital part of the show - these kids are obviously aware of the corrupt world they live in, the unjust society they're gonna have to make a lives for themselves in. And then they

I largely suffered through season 1 of TLMOE for her (and Melissa, and Melissa and Carol's friendship). I guess it depends on what exactly it was about the show you disliked - if it's the tone the show struck, it's still largely that. If it's Phil's behaviour, season 2 is a huge imrpovement. If it's the other

I think they're both being assholes. Felix knows how much Sarah has been through and but doesn't seem to at all care about how it's affected her ability to trust - I mean, she's related to S for gods sake, nothing in her life seems to have just been something natural. I think some part of her is clinging to Felix in

Considering the route they're going with Blaine, they could certainly fit another similar role in there - I have my issues with Blaine's development, in so far as, if his memory isn't restored and he continues down a path where he falls in line with Liv's side, it will feel unearned by the character himself. Peyton

I feel really bad for Rita. Acknowledging she was involved in the whole Max Rager thing and was A Villain, I do feel like after everything her dad did she deserved to survive. The character was fun and interesting, she could have gone on to play a fun role as antagonist-come-ally (I'd have loved to have seen her

Somehow I always forget how much money Gus gives to Shawn, and how much money Shawn takes from him, and the fact that those are two different sums of money. And then Gus will make some remark in a real offhanded way (because he's used to it by now - dude deserves better) and I go 'OH that's right. Gus is Shawn's

I recall reading he was recovering from some pretty serious health problems at the time they were filming 100 Clues.

I don't know, Shawn does drug Gus in season 1 and drive him to - I forget where, but Gus wakes up somewhere he never agreed to go. That's probably the lowest point he hits for me. I might be due a rewatch, but I don't believe he ever does anything quite so awful as drugging Gus and then not even seeming genuinely

They've introduced a couple who are connected to the central plot, too, who get killed off. The thing is, I doubt it's something they're consciously doing, but there's pretty much no recurring women of colour - those that have recurred last only two or three episodes before they get killed off. Liv's doctor friend,

'Even if he didn't, why would Thawne given Barry the tools to defeat "the Man in Yellow?"'
Unless I'm misremembering, wasn't Thawne's whole thing similar enough to Zoom - trying to get Barry to go faster, use that speed to get himself home? Barry's made some silly choices but I figured he'd factored that into the plan.

I usually adore Cisco but MAN that bothered me. I'm actually surprised the show even went and had Caitlin tell Cisco he was in the wrong. I still think the show treats it's women badly, and it doesn't undo the fact that she even had to contend with Cisco thinking she's turning into an ice queen because she snapped at

I was kind of of the thought that I'd care, regardless of who Zoom was, about the reveal once it happened, since it was such a fun guessing game, how could it possibly disappoint? But I was wrong.

Ah! I was way off and very wrong. Kinda glad my theory is dead, I was reaching real far.

I will say, as much as I enjoyed Caitlin messing with Cisco, I do hope the writers stop the whole 'Cisco is genuinely scared of the people he works with' thing. It's the one thing I strongly disliked about Harry early in the season, when he knew Cisco had bad memories with Wells and made a point to be

I know they did it differently but this is the second year in a row that they've pulled the 'Mentor(y) figure is actually the bad guy', so they really should try harder next season. I liked the theory that it was Earth 2 Barry, Would have given some extra weight to Barry's 'You wanna be me?' dialogue during their

I'm not sure anyone CAN explain it yet - we'll have to wait and see. The theory I'm going with is that someone on Earth 2 was working on cloning, because I haven't thought about it very hard I guess. It would make there being three different Jay's make sense - I'm imaging there being three (or more) different Jay's in

My issue with Wally is that they've not really let us see him as anything other than…annoyed. And I GET why he's acting the way he is around his family, this is a weird and probably very upsetting time for him. But it's kind of like the issue I have with their take on Barry/Iris - those two have had some really great

Have to disagree there - she's been through a pretty awful and traumatic time, I'm pretty sure in the grand scheme of things she just wants to go home, a place that's different for everyone but is pretty universally understood to represent safety. Sure, her dad saved her and that's swell, but he's immediately rushing