Trump is still your president, and will be for the next 5 years, you pathetic losers
Trump is still your president, and will be for the next 5 years, you pathetic losers
I’m glad garbage like you no longer has the privilege to wear an active duty uniform. The swamp needs more draining.
Jalopnik is a pathetic joke. The constant left wing propaganda they spew from their bowels makes this garbage site unbearable. Just stopped in look for CT5-V info from today’s release. Enjoy the next 6 years of Trump, losers. Vote Anti-Left. Vote Ant-Democrat.
Damon- Do America a favor and take the advice of Marcus Garvey, rid yourself of white oppression, and return to the glorious Motherland. Enjoy starvation and a violent death in your African Utopia, just like you deserve.
Tyler’s article’s anti-Trump angle is transparent and pathetic. The 3 pronged nuclear capability is common knowledge. The term “triad” isn’t. Keep your left wing political crap off the site and to yourself.
How quickly many forget September 11th. If you don’t like it, get out. Political correctness is deadly in the age of global jihadi terrorism. People need to take their heads out of their rectum.
M73 - Great Post. The scum posting here are a disgrace to America.
Idiots like you who accept the burning of cars is exactly why I voted for Trump. In the last few years I have become to hate the left with a burning passion.
I’ve transported good friends of mine in the hatch of my Corvette. Some of my favorite memories are riding in bed of my Dad’s pickup truck. This police action is a disgrace, especially with all the crime in America. Love and support good cops, but hate punk traffic pigs/thieves like these.
I can’t wait for REAL racists like you to be driven insane by Trump’s election. I’m almost as happy that the current racist president will be unemployed like the rest of the Kenyans.
I would never allow my kids to associate with animals like these.
I’m glad their dead. Now, tax payers don’t have to pay for them or their illegitimate children. They are the REAL racists. Good Riddance.
I own a 2016 SS. The interior is cramped in the visibility and back seat are both pathetic. But, since GM was too stupid to offer a LTx for the ATS sedan, AWD for the CTS-V, and they raised the C7 MSRP $18k over my C6, I bought the only current GM that makes any sense. The only thing that interests me in the ZL1 is…
She has an Afro. There’s you explanation.
You are a dick. And, if you continue this anti-social behavior, you will end up with a whole in your head, just like a dick.
That was my Corvette in the picture with a truck parked touching my mirror, and half his truck on the curb. We were surrounded by 50 yards of empty parking spots. If you’re that guy, know it was me who smashed in your windshield. But, you probably already knew that when you came out of your movie. Go out of your way…
Every time a scumbag goes out of their pay to park their $100 against my car mirror when I intentionally park my car 50 yards away from everything, I literally spiderweb their windshield. NO, and am NOT joking. So, please do this to the wrong person and post pictures of what happens to you.
“It doesn’t need repair. It’s a PERFECT car”. = THIS, exactly, is the arrogance and evil of VW and why these Nazis need to be punished by governments all over the world for their crimes. The 911 Turbo S is my favorite car, but I REFUSE to be RAPED out of $200k by these arrogant and evil Nazis.
This is exactly why I hate Porsche and hope that everyone who is responsible for their ridiculous prices and limited production burn in hell with their Nazi forefathers. I would LOVE to replace my C6 Corvette with a Turbo S PDK, but I just bought a 2016 Camaro for $37k because I REFUSE to allow Porsche to rape me for…