
Yeah. The first one that popped into my head was Jon Lord's solo on Hush.

Thanks, that is kind of what I thought.

Yeah, I'm guessing this video is the American naming convention. In my part of the world we generally refer to 'whisky' if it is of Scottish origin and 'whiskey' if not, with the exception of 'bourbon'. ('Rye' isn't something you see here, unless it is referring to vodka.)

Yeah, this would be my choice as well. It's a pity the only version I can find online is visually of low quality, though the sound is spot on.

What first struck me about that scene was the incredible sound engineering, specifically that pinging sound of rapidly cooling metal.

Oh yeah, 25 or 6 to 4 is one that I often get too. Sometimes it morphs into Babe I'm Gonna Leave You.

I often get an earworm when there's white noise in the background, like a running shower, a microwave or boiling kettle.
And often that worm is Pink Floyd's Careful With That Axe, Eugene.
(Also, Fugazi's Waiting Room.)

Yeah, although it seems only the first 20 seconds or so. Also, it's slightly slower if my ears aren't deceiving me.

I was a bit surprised to see that film on this list. My guess is that Modell had different expectations for the film, and when they weren't met, he was severely disappointed. Me, I genuinely enjoyed it.

I always felt Sam Riley's portrayal of Ian Curtis performing Transmission was rather good. (From the the film Control.)

I'm not quite sure it can be considered as critically reviled, what with a 77% Rotten Tomatoes score.

Yeah, the A.V. Club seemed to have completely skipped that one.

Bloodline had terrific performances all around. Ben Mendelsohn was great as always (which won him an Emmy), but for me the standout performance was Jamie McShane as Eric O'Bannon.

Lupe Fiasco?

Meanwhile Record-Scratch and Braaams are sitting on the side, staring sullenly at the floor.

Curious to see what her recipe for Frey Pies looks like.

Going back some years, the inappropriate (on many levels) yet touching relationship between Léon and Mathilda in The Professional.

"The Hard" is a pretty bad-ass name for a John McLain movie.

Yeah, but can you deny that it did not work for them?

The Greasy Strangler, terrible cult movie or awkward masturbation technique?