
I promise I’ll tell my next of kin to notify you when I die. I’ve invested too much food here to let myself go to waste!

I have a feeling you jump to similar conclusions a lot...

What is the black bottom thing? Mushroom?

“Your banana seems to be pointing at my frittata.”

And yes, I realize I went from one species to another. D’oh!

But that’s a pretty gaping hole in your argument. You pirated, paid for it or are just a psychopathic liar.

Ok, aside from the gawker aspect(ha, see what I did there?), what exactly is wrong with feeding live kittens to an aligator? Like, I’m not trolling and I’m not a psychopath. I love my pets and would mourn them dearly, but... Life is life and it requires the consumption of other living beings. reptile owners regularly

You do realize court and incidentals during the lengthy appeals process in a capital punishment case FAR exceed the cost of housing and feeding that inmate for life, right?

Revenge of the nerds against the cool nerd.

You really don’t know Carl Sagan if you think for one second he was about fame. His fame was a consequence of his zeal for creating and spreading knowledge.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic in the “when are we going to stop” way or in the “this research is stupid” way. In case of the second, well, a lot of people don’t give a shit, so it’s necessary to harp on it, pile on as much evidence as possible, so that finally they see that we are approaching event horizon,

You missed rare. The fact that these two exist in such close proximity mean that the genetic pool has diminished enough so that two separate individuals had two parents with the mutation. One can assume that there is some level of pervasive chromosomal degradation going on...

You, sir, have an incredibly thin penis.

You got me. I’m actually an anarchist.

I am truly in awe of your brave demeanor, in the face of your condition. How long have you had it? Does it affect you in your daily life much? Are people cruel about it? I am sorry if me asking is crude or rude, I am just truly medically curious. I have never met someone with fat eyes before.

Marx to our cause as in someone not bound to the oppressions he is fighting against. (Marx came from a well off family.)

Also, there’s never ever been a Marxist Communism regime, so... how can you hate something that has never been attempted? Private property is enshrined in Marxist Communism, only the means of

Wait, you’re grey too? And here I thought you were the Marx to our cause...

Judge me not by the pixelation of my avatar.


Haha, wow, a true life Aspergian debate. Funny, how people accuse internet trolls of having asperger’s, yet, here we are, declaring truces and having a merry ol’ time. :-)

Ain’t logic grand?