
Ignoring the fact that some people need a recipe for hardboiled eggs, there are some salad recipes that have a lot of strong flavoured ingredients that would be off putting in the wrong ratios. Not everyone has an innate sense of taste.

Wow, aren’t you a happy camper, haha. Don’t worry about not catching that, most people don’t think like that. I think like that not because I’m a criminal, but because my asperger’s brain treats everything like a game of chess where every possible outcome must be weighed upon.

How about restricting a search to a certain domain with automatic imitation titles that will inject malicious code? Any vulnerability is a vulnerability dude...

That “moron”, as you call him, has more balls hanging from his pinky finger than you have dangling in your scrotum... Would YOU risk your life for what you thought was right?

Plus, he delivered to the right place. The Supreme has already decided on current legislation, and you can’t legislate from the bench, so the

Hello, good morning! Welcome back to Coffee with Satan, I’m your host, of course, The Dark Lord.

Coming soon, Cheney, why’s that asshole gunning for my job? But first, we have our hell-copter keeping you informed on today’s damnation situation.

That sounds like something a Zoey Deschanel character would call a thong or some sex outfit...

Seriously, both you and Susannah Chen have demonstrated a graciousness sorely lacking in other Gawker properties, with special mention going to my home blog, Gizmodo. The authors there actively harass users for just pointing out mistakes or picking up the opposite side of an argument. Shameful.

What's the A stand for in BLAT? Arugula?

Amadou Diallo and Abner Louima want a word with you, bub.

Your math is wrong. You used 56k bits to divide 1 billion bytes. The true time required would be closer to 40 hours (5 times 8, the number of bits in a byte). Actually, further than that, since 56ks weren't allowed to go at 56k, plus degradation and data loss were ooooh, so much fun.