If the race was based on looks alone, the dog would definitely win.
While more reasonable, it's not nearly as cool and insane as Seamonster, which is why you Heart Hunters will never be in People.
I was about to comment on how Aryan they appeared, but you have beat me to it.
It's different because both of the biological parents in this instance did not want the child, and if they could have had a child normally, they would have aborted. That's very different than one biological parent wanting to keep a child and the other wanting an abortion. In your example, there is a conflict between…
I see your point, and agree in some ways, but this situation is also very different because it's very much a business transaction where the surrogate is renting room in her womb for someone else's baby. This is really a blurry area between business and bodies which is why a lot of countries outlaw it. It's more likely…
The couple wanted the surrogate to abort their babies and she didn't. It's her body, so certainly that's her choice, but then the unwanted baby she chose to carry is also her problem. Not seeing why the couple is awful; the situation just sucks.
This would rank in my 'top 100 times I've wanted to shit in someone's mouth'.
They just had a crotch gap for wangs, which wasn't uncomfortable for my wangless crotch, so they could make a chest gap for boobs in the same way.