
I asked a tow truck driver in LA what cars he tows the most (figuring there were a lot of unreliable luxury cars out there) and he quickly replied, "Honda Civics." He followed that by saying that it's just because there are so many of them, not because they are an unreliable car.

This deal was posted on slickdeals and lots of other cali residents took part as well. I was on the verge of biting but I just don't have anymore space in the garage or in the driveway. I believe there was a dealer in sacramento that was willing to bring down the monthly to $75 if they had 10 or more people sign up.


hmmm... this is very enticing. I may look into this as another hobby.. I'm in Sacramento.

what is the legality of stuff like this?

wow, thats terrible. It's bad enough when people assume I like Thai food because I am from Taiwan.

Buyable, as in within my budget? Probably still not... :(

30 min rental?! lol I mean depending on the price I would probably do it, but 30 mins?!

Agreed, the owner sounds like someone that has all his ducks in a row for the potential for something like this to happen.

Murder is a bit much... manslaughter for sure though.

In all honesty, having cash in hand is a pretty successful way of buying things on CL.

This relates to why I hate the trend of cars integrating so much technology. If you think Snap-On tools are expensive (they are lol), wait till you start looking at the computer diagnostic equipment many modern cars require for almost everything.

If you add up the cost of getting work done at shops, you can easily buy some really nice tools to do it yourself. Sure, time is money, but you really can't buy the same satisfation and sense of accomplishment you get when you complete an upgrade on your car.

Also, as a true Jalop, Miata's are incredibly affordable


lol, I know, I just had to use a line from superbad....

"You know, this job though isn't how shows like CSI make it out to be, when I first joined the force, I was under the impression that everything was covered in a fine layer of semen. And that the police had at their disposal a semen database with every bad guy's semen on it. Not true!"

Finding hair or other DNA stuff

If my car was somehow part of some criminal activity and the police named me as a suspect and told me to turn myself in, I would comply completely. It would suck, but you're not going to clear your name by hiding.

I am not familiar with the specifics of the R8's powertrain reliablity, but I am willing to be all those fancy electronic gizmos are always on the verge of malfunctioning... at which point the work on a supercar will cost much more than you would think.

But my desire to have something doesn't always corrolate with rational and realistic concerns.

time to finally get a 1098 and a decal that says "SPACERANGER"