
Honestly if they just made it so you could order breakfast through 1PM it would be fantastic. it’s annoying how early they stop serving breakfast.

That’s almost $2 per cup, which isn’t that much less than an ice cream cone at my local ice cream stand.”  - God - where do you live that ice cream is so cheap? A cone at a local place here is $6 and then I usually tip $1 on top of that. 

The Baked Apple Pie is only iconic for displacing the beloved Fried Apple and Cherry pies.

I’ve never had any of these items, but I just want all day breakfast back. Nothing was better than having a sausage egg McMuffin at lunch. 

“To say Disney food is beloved is an understatement. People attach memories to it, covet it, drain their bank accounts on it. From popcorn buckets to humble tater tots, those of us who love Disney love Disney’s food even more.”

Bye girl.

I do think it usually tastes smoother. I wonder if the tannins are lower in sun tea. Might have to search that up later. 

I brew tea in the fridge because it’s easier and tastes better, but to point out that sun tea is a health risk is ridiculous. How long have people been doing it without any problems?

Can you explain why filtered water makes a bit of actual difference?


oh SHUT UP. yeah, everyone knows someone who has died from sun tea, it’s notorious. i know you have to write something, it’s your job. but you’ve become “is sun tea dangerous, news at 11".

“Why take a chance?” and “life finds a way” are meaningless when something isn’t going to happen based on facts. 

Thanks, Buzz Killington.

Remember making sun tea as a kid. It was the highlight of summertime activities next to swimming.

Came here to say pretty much this. I’ve been making sun tea for decades and never once had bacterial growth. Use a clean jar, clean water, don’t add sugar and you’ll be all good.

My mother has never done anything other than sun tea in the summer. I'm almost 38 and no one has ever gotten ill from it. All of my aunts and cousins do it, now that I think about it.....

This whole article is weak tea and no one should be drinking it.

this - came in here to say drop five bags in a two-liter carafe and walk away Renee. 

The risk is effectively zero (worth noting that tea solids are, in fact, anti-microbial), and this kind of institutionalized overcaution is both ridiculous and detrimental.

Never let reality get in the way of a clickbait headline.