
Or at least more taco meat, crackers, and ice cream!

That’s a fabulous idea. Even DWTS, which is literally Amateur Hour compared to shows like SYTYCD, would show her exactly how hard dancers have to work.

So basically it’s Cats & Dogs without any of the PG violence...

Derek Hough is also in a huff about this. Lara Spencer should’ve known better than to say something so stupid about men and dance, considering her paychecks come from the same network that airs Dancing with the Stars. Perhaps the show will cast her next season so she can have some first hand experience at just how

Spotify sucks unless you pay for premium and apple music is a rental service. I’d much rather spend my month on something long lasting. I’m not letting a monthly fee dictate whether or not I can listen to a song or not. 

My college boyfriend gave me a bouquet for Valentine’s. That would be sweet, except for 2 facts: he had his mom order it (she didn’t care for me much, which is why #2 is kind of confusing) and it was ENORMOUS. We had dinner at his parent’s home and then he drove me back to our apartment complex. I was mortified

Finally, an expert opinion I can trust.

I am right there with you on the flowers. I mostly dislike cut flowers, and there is pretty much just one type of cut flower I would gladly accept as a gift. It doesn’t help that I have cats whom I can’t trust not to eat any plants (and I’m not clear always on which flowers are toxic). I love flowers in the ground. But


I’m sure it was only the box that actually came from Tiffany’s

Totally relate. I went on a blind date and the guy showed up with one of those long stem roses wrapped in plastic. I carried it by the stem, flower pointing down, for the rest of the evening, and still felt stupid walking around with it.  

once in the grocery store the guy standing in the queue in front of me was buying a cheap bouquet and a box of condoms. nothing else.

Like they didn’t just plop something from their re-gifting closet into that blue box.

[We also need a bad gift from a date Pissing Contest.]

This is a totally valid petty dealbreaker. It shows an inability to think through the actual logistics of the date. 


I usually just put a whole chicken in the microwave and run it for 35 minutes. Then I pour gasoline everywhere, burn down the house, move to a different state, change my name, develop a coke habit, break into a Uwajimaya at night, steal the rotisserie ducks, wake up on the beach 3 weeks later with a huge hole in my

I fell for a guy who took me out to look at the stars and pointed out constellations, then told me the myths behind them. Other deal sealers:

I had a boyfriend who used to get jealous of my purry, demanding cat, to the point where I told him, point blank, not to make me choose between him and my cat because he would not like my answer to that. And I meant it.

The Internet as a whole? Prolly something racist.