Nice! Nothing lends itself to swinging above people's heads quite like a fucking skirt.
Nice! Nothing lends itself to swinging above people's heads quite like a fucking skirt.
This is why we moved to Oakland, along with everyone else. I really want them to build a city somewhere random for the start-ups and tech people, they are ruining the SF-Bay Area vibe and no one can afford to live here! Or maybe they could all go to Richmond, Richmond could use jobs...
Hahahaha, I completely misread the title at first, thinking it was someone (presumably with a Sleeping Beauty type fetish) wanting to hire someone to sleep on their couch for $1075 a month.
Firstly, if it's at Market/Laguna, that's NOT a cable car outside the door. It's a streetcar - and if you don't know the difference, GTFO.
What concerns me about this initiative, besides the impact it would have on transgender kids, is the impact it would have on Sacramento. If the wingnuts are successful at getting this on the ballot, that could get conservative voters to the polls and result in the end of the Democratic super-majority in the…
I think the bigger issue here is why Disney is "stuck" between princesses that need to be rescued and limiting the number of female characters period.
Co-sign on the Mr. Shue scene. Glee really hasn't been doing it for me for the past few seasons but last night had me so emotional... like giant sobbing baby emotional. Bieste, Santana, Sue, FINNS MOM, holy cow it was all so heartbreaking.
It's not a conspiracy. This isn't Ladybugs.
What an absolute asshole. And all I have to say to this picture is Matthew 6:5.
Some people are just rotten to the core, and it appears that Frank Schubert is the goblin king of those subhumans.…
I think that's what made the whole episode so gut-wrenching. You can see the genuine, naked grief in all of the actors. Chord Overstreet looks like he's about 1 second from a breakdown in every scene. The whole episode was just devastating.
That is gut-wrenching to watch because you know it's not an act. She is genuinly grieving.
You guys, I literally cried through the entire Glee episode. I think I maybe stopped crying for like two minutes. My eyes are a disaster this morning.
Yeah! And then carnivals! I don't like carnivals! And laughter! And while we're at it, puppies aren't really all that great!
Your trainer was an imbecile. I'm 5'11" and I can do more pullups than any woman I know. Why? I've trained my upper body. Longer levers? Pah! In olympic weightlifting, maybe, that would matter. But when you're only lifting your own body weight, you can train yourself to do that easily, man or woman.
Anecdotal, but my friend had rings hanging in her house from a previous owner and the first time she tried she could turn raise herself up and pull herself into a handstand. She doesn't train or go to the gym at all. She is not of olympic caliber (0bviously), but like I said, has never lifted a weight in her life.…
70 years ago people never imagined women gymnasts would be able to do what they do today. The whole point of the Olympics is to see what the human body and mind is capable of. You can't say "just accept women can't do it" because you never know what people are capable of until you try- and there are always…
The problem here is that athletes don't have ideal-typical gender bodies, they have athlete bodies. High level athletics selects extremes, and there are extremes in all dimensions in both genders. The sport both selects and cultivates the sort of person, male or female, who does it. If women's gymnastics also…
Well duh, the female gymnasts who compete right now probably couldn't do the rings because they don't need to. If rings was a part of women's gymnastics, female gymnasts would bulk out in order to compete in that event. Men do have, in general, greater upper-body strength, but if necessary some girls could get…
I only see that as an issue if they were competing head to head but if it is a woman-only competition their comparison to men on the same aparatus would be moot.