
Or it’s a valid observation about the fragility of sobriety...You know you can be addicted to outrage too right?

is now

NERP. In order to be a “professional” in most non-regulated/licensed fields you merely need to engage in the activity as you’re main paid occupation. There are no work/education experience or skill requirements - so unless you’re asserting that they get their VFX done by volunteers from the local high school or

“Once is a mistake, twice is a choice” - Has anybody looked at this guys family life, financial health, etc.?  He doesn’t seem to want to be around for much of the future...

Presumably that Tubi quality CGI is also created by people who would be considered professional VFX “artists”; and only goes to prove my point that just because someone can be paid to create VFX doesn’t mean they actually have any talent for it.

Stop it with the victim mentality already - it’s better for your blood pressure. They’re not “victims” they’re people who chose, then trained for a career path. If that career path didn’t work out they way they wanted they can retrain/switch careers or keep on chuggin’ along hoping things will change by switching

when it’s bad it’s because the VFX artists weren’t given the time, the money, or they had designs change at the last minute

Liking/tolerating someone as a third wheel to your relationship and wanting to bang them are different things...

Once again, it seems like you haven’t flown in a plane before. It’s not “slightly” - a person is putting their full weight on the seat to lift themselves up and it’s not just the seat in front of them that’s distrurbed it’s the entire row as the seats are connected. I usually sit window and I can feel my seat shaking

Have you flown on a plane before? The seat backs move when people pull against them, they’re not made of rigid stone. So, you’re indeed disturbing the person in front of you when you pull on their seat back (just like if a kid is kicking the back of the seat) - he’s not throwing a tizzy because you brushed up against

Who the fck advocates for “yeah, you can disturb as many other people around you as you like to make yourself comfortable”? Do these people just grab randos around them anytime they need to steady themselves? Do they just lean up against the closest stranger anytime they feel tired? Those are other human beings, not

but it’s shelf stable so we can stock up when we have some extra money in the food budget. Not to mention milk from the supermarket has been tasting more and more watered down

Attacking IDF and Israel in general (including all Israelis) is Hamas’ cause. I didn’t say anything about everyday Israelis or Palestinians in my previous comments...

And yet you’re supporting their cause....

I would not mind any added feature that would automatically reply, “Do you have any pics?” to the blank/anonymous profiles that contact me (I’m obviously not using Bumble). I think this could add some value, but I guess if the original Bumble algorithm is no good people shouldn’t really expect them to come up with

I carry a pocket knife all the time

With benefits included at $16,000 per year, that comes out to $30.75 an hour

As opposed to the Hamas’ lies we’re getting? There are no clean hands in this conflict.

Dude, they sell them at Target and Walmart, look around (or google it, wow! mind blown). In this day and age bragging about your ignorance of something that is clearly well understood by others is not a flex. The problem is you, not the idiom.

LOL! How about we stop demanding the rest of the world change to accommodate the willful ignorance of children who literally carry around the entire internet’s worth of information in their pockets, yet still can’t figure out basic knowledge? The Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1912. The US Department of Commerce