
Commercial alligator, quail, pigeon, rabbit, and even kangaroo are all farmed...

In downtown Chicago? I don’t think so smh. You all need to leave your small town mentality in those small towns - you’re in the city now country mouse!

All the prices she’s quoting are in downtown Chicago.  No one is getting an $8 burrito from a taqueria in downtown Chicago...

I usually opt for some ancient family recipe, like my grandmother’s baked tomato pudding or my godmother’s carrot ring

C’mon now, he’s even gone “so far as to rough out a Google Doc for it”.  This man is clearly very engaged! /s

Pashman has filed paperwork to trademark the name Pasta Pizza

Not necessarily. For many of us “When people think of Chick-fil-A, they think of chicken sandwiches bigotry”.

A recipe?  On The Takeout?!  I’d sort or resigned myself to those having gone the way of the dodo.  Kudos to you and thank you!

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “This pineapple is simply way too big for lil’ ol’ me to finish,”

There’s a gum for that, no?

doing cheese and dessert is a nice light date night meal before going to a movie

Many people with Celiac disease can’t even risk eating something that has made contact with gluten

About that skin, though: you can eat it!

Based on that statement it doesn’t sound like you live in a major metropolitan area.

Wrong assumptions!!!!

LOL dipshit where I live <400 sq ft is the what you get for a low level studio and you better believe you’ll be carrying your clothes to the laundry mat. Many people get a room only and have to share a bathroom and kitchen space with everyone else on their floor. Check your privilege sweetheart.

LOL, irrational much? I am a college graduate, who started attending college classes in high school, and have benefitted from my degree. Is it really a surprise to you that so many college majors (e.g. communications, philosophy, creative writing, early childhood education) are useless in the real world if your

Feel free to send me your zip and I’ll help you with your search. I’m pretty sure it’s not a lack of cheaper places it’s your lack of willingness to live in a space that you can actually afford (e.g. you want luxury your budget can’t bear) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You really need work on your reasoning and research skills. I live downtown in one of the most expensive cities in the country (as I’ve mentioned regularly in my comments on this site for years). Where exactly was hyperbole used in any of this exchange?

I live downtown in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country. “College educated” is quite broad and clearly includes people who majored in subjects that were never going to enable them to pay off the loans to get that education, little less make a decent living for themselves.  Pray tell, what was