
“make - AND CLEAN UP - whatever you like”...

We’d much rather the mommy/parenting blog content stay off our food blog...

Great, since it’s all about you then you can keep your spawn locked up with you in the house for the rest of their lives so the rest of us don’t have to deal with your poorly raised children’s behavior in their adult lives.

Basically my philosophy growing up until I neared 30, then the bar started moving up...

The quote definitely wasn’t “college girls” and MM’s character, Wooderson was in his early 20s...still hanging out with high school kids....

Except that it would have nothing to do with what is discussed in the article....

Pretty sure they were next door to Bob’s Burgers at some point...

But JJ’s does know what forcing minimum wage workers to sign non-compete agreements is (meaning they couldn’t leave and go to work an any other restaurant).

Vegis are trying to put bones in their ribs and meat eaters are trying to take the bones out - this world has gone topsy-turvey!!! /s

when are we going to stop having totally open “freezers” in stores

Oh honey, the struggle is real, I can tell. I provided percentages because “serving sizes” are suggestions and are subjective to the individual eating the food, but the underlying ratios I quoted are still true regardless of how much you eat. PS: not spiking your blood sugar =/= “low carb” and perhaps pasta spiking

Cowards!  Real horror movie games set in creepy houses have walls. Also, some play pieces are molded, but the majority are just cardboard standups? Chintzy! (make them all the same or don’t bother)

Real life footage of an “oatmeal is health food” advocate:

My point was that IRL it is absolutely not “normal for a response to take anywhere from 1 to several minutes” whatsoever and if you cannot spontaneously participate in a conversation you will not be able to communicate at all effectively with a stranger you’re trying to entice. “In person...you don’t have the luxury

Carbs account for +72% of the calories in plain oatmeal, how is that “low in carbs”? +83% of the calories in plain all purpose flower come from carbs, +79% of the calories in plain enriched pasta come from carbs, are one of those the thresh hold?

Which is fine if you don’t plan on ever meeting the person you’re chatting with in real life...

if you can flirt on Grindr, you can flirt IRL

Thinking back to all the swimsuit DC and Marvel issues I’ve ever seen I can’t think of another character who’s appeared in mask. After slide 3 I couldn’t really concentrate on anything other than “But, why is he in the mask?”

Depending on your area you can get a bank card with benefit payments on it, even if you’re homeless, just for situations like this...also, drug dealers tend not to accept cards...

I definitely is a law here so I think you would just have to press the point. It may take some “Brad”ing up, but I think they’d acquiesce (or they’re’d be a whole scene with people being called to come from another area, waiting for the supervisor, going to guest services, etc. that it probably wouldn’t be worth it if