
Last year, huh? So before the drug charges against Rose McGowen or the bag even disappeared. Fascinating,

So he basically made a LIST of all the sex crimes he committed along with who the victims were and then distributed it to private eyes? Smart move. No way that can bite you in the ass.

Earlier this month, we reported that Harvey Weinstein had apparently hired an army of investigators at some point last year”

I’m pretty sure Ronan Farrow did the bulk of the actual reporting. You guys just reported on the publication of his report. 

Earlier this month, we reported summarized a report from The New Yorker...

What kind of shitheads are happy to take a job from a rapist that basically involves stalking and maliciously discrediting his victims?

Ninety. One. People. Even if we assume they weren’t all victims, that’s...

You lose your power over a sex worker when they leave the room. For him, it was about absolute control — a sick kind of ownership over these women’s lives.

‘my job goes to my kids when i die’ is no more ‘weird’ than ‘the stuff i own goes to my kids when i die’....

Zack De la Rocha is the frontman for Rage, Morello is on guitar.

Well, actually...the Clone Army of the prequel trilogy was phased out by the time of the galactic civil war. The Stormtroopers in the Original Trilogy are not clones.

And even if they were, the First Order’s Stormtroopers are taken from their families at a young age and rigorously trained/indoctrinated. Kylo Ren

Wouldn’t it be more fiber?

You know what more disrespectful than taking a knee during The Pledge Of Allegiance or National anthem? Serving in the US military, fighting for our freedom, coming home and getting shot dead because you were driving while Black.

You Can’t Make Me Do This Thing You Weren’t Making Me Do In The First Place

Toasty, baby, toasty!

He admitted to the photo, but not the forced kiss.

As much as I adore the most recent two Mortal Kombats, the announcers just sound wrong. Not sure why it never bothered me before (Ritchie hasn’t been the announcer since Shaolin Monks, and even that was after a long absence), but it was incredibly jarring in MK9 especially.

It’s a double edged sword. They would prove that she was lying but also that the earth is older than 5000 years.

Is there anybody here who hasn’t fingered my wife?!

Really enjoyed the finale! Agreed that the season was uneven, I don’t think anyone would argue with that but good to see them all together again. Wonder where we’ll go from here. Of course Gretchen kept the ring, had a feeling she would. Chris Geere’s comedic/emotional delivery was on point these episodes. That double

Patrick Stewart is one of the only reasons I would watch, and damnit, it was adorable.