
Oh. Hey, Amy.

Yeah, I bet he was russian out to buy it when he got his first paycheck.

I’ve been there! It’s nice. One of the first space monkeys is buried near the parking lot.

I’d probably be willing to trade it for no child molesters in Congress, though.

If you only watch the first two seasons of Star Trek: the Next Generation, you’d think it would be cancelled.

I’m glad you’re taking the opportunity for self-reflection. Next time don’t be so quick to be so dismissive of a person’s actual life experience.

You’re probably right about McGowan feeling like a lot to a newcomer, but I strongly suspect that a lot of the recent Weinstein reporting and attention payed to it is due in large part to McGowan refusing to shut up.

What are you getting out of this? Denying a person’s own experience to their face? Sadburbia never said the “whole country” was against them. The no campaign absolutely marshalled the worst people in the country to action and don’t you fucking dare diminish the horror of that. You disgusting apologist.

God those ads were the worst. Fuck those people.

I don’t know about you but I saw ads for the No campaign—a campaign built on spreading homophobic lies and intolerance—every day on tv, even multiple times a day. I saw it on social media and ads played before YouTube videos. I saw signs in front yards, and stickers on cars and bus stops. I drove past groups with

This feeling is definitely worth the three months of seeing openly homophobic ads every day everywhere I went.

Entire town of Gadsen, “Oh ya, Roy Moore was a creeper who preyed on children.”

See Lance Ito get lost in a parking lot!

Weird how that keeps happening to people.

“...a drug possession charge from a January 20 incident in which employees at Dulles International Airport reportedly found traces of narcotics on some personal belongings that McGowan had apparently left on a plane.”

Yes, she was very similar to “Bones” in her views.

A point on the AV Club video content — do we really need the teaser content at the beginning when the entire video, including teaser, is two minutes long?

That’s a DELIBERATE misreading.

A few people have written that this “doesn’t feel like Star Trek,” and others asked for elaboration on what that means, or why it matters. Here’s my two cents: The joy and excitement of Star Trek, for me, involve exploring “strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations,” something sorely lacking on

The argument seems to be less “gay people can’t help being predators” and more like “it’s harder to make good, informed choices when not being hetero-normative makes you practically a criminal.”

I gave up a couple eps back. Did they ever give Detmers (Bracket-face) anything to do?