
Spacey’s and Singer’s victims were men and have spoken out. Men like Terry Crews have spoken out. I know we’re supposed to take their pain and abuse less seriously because they’re the Bad Gender and all, but it isn’t JUST women speaking out against this sort of thing and women aren’t the only victims.

You know someone isn’t safe to be around when they literally can’t tell the difference between grossly inappropriate (and even criminal) touching/speech and normal, non-skeevy compliments/touch. These are the guys who demand consent contracts or are afraid to touch, talk to, or be alone with women because even if they

I’d call it “doing what every black man working in corporate america has to do everyday.”

“Getting Spacey’d”? So, in other words, “receiving consequences for legitimately predatory behavior”? Men only need to be “afraid” if they are creeps. Better they be too “scared” to go around giving nonconsentual hugs to co-workers, if that’s what they were doing.

I thought “Getting Spacey’d” was having your penis unexpectedly grabbed by someone with power over you in the workplace.

Ok Senator McCarthy...

Lol men are idiots

...demanded an Internet commentator who posts their opinions under the safety of a pseudonym.

The bad guys have won, haven’t they?

congress consistentent canidate melinin intrests

His approval rating being even that high is still deeply, deeply shameful. 

I agree. However, after what Sir Patrick said in this article, I might be slightly interested if they got him on board.

You know, fuck Trump and fuck Melania for being complicit, but stupid typos are not worth posting about. She posted it today and this just seems really petty. 

“There are smart, ethical people in both parties”

At this point, when the RNC is backing a candidate whom leaders of the party have agreed is probably a child molester, that view is becoming untenable. Democrats are no saints, but the GOP is so ethically bankrupt that membership in it disqualifies you from calling

Hang on; he clearly said some of the accusations are untrue. That could very well be the case. He certainly didn’t call all eight of the accusers liars.

What if the supervisor slapped the cashier on the ass at his last job. Does he get fired 10 years later from a new job? Isn’t that the situation we are dealing with now?

Can’t we just give all these people a scarlett A or something, and decide if we still want to vote/work/be married to them? Especially since one political party is already doing that, minus the scarlett A. I’m sick of seeing GOP collaborators on TV saying the difference between Franken et al and Trump/Moore is “ Well,

He only says that to black service members.

This is clearly a typo. Right day posted, wrong day typed. Meh.

Unfortunately, if that were a workable political strategy, I don’t think we’d have our current president, the next senator from Alabama, etc.