
I really don’t see Lorca surviving the season. I suspect he’ll go full Ahab in the finale and have to be put down in some fashion.

Cue technobabble exposition sequence concluding that the only possible solution is to beam important members of the bridge crew aboard the Klingon vessel during its comically long decloaking sequence, rather than just shooting it or beaming aboard a very large explosive during the same sequence.

The big plan - beam on board undetected; place several comically obvious sensors; make a zillion jumps; shoot a whole bunch - was several levels more byzantine than it should have been. Just load up a photon with sensors for detecting gaseous anomalies, and be done with it.

Jail time for masturbating in front of adults you just asked to masturbate in front of?

> Not that Page was raped or anything,  

I did a Woody Allen movie and it is the biggest regret of my career. I am ashamed I did this. I had yet to find my voice and was not who I am now and felt pressured, because “of course you have to say yes to this Woody Allen film.” Ultimately, however, it is my choice what films I decide to do and I made the wrong

It’s indecent exposure, in most states. A misdemeanor crime, but still a crime.

You literally always have the worst take on here.

Too late. There are still people here who don’t get that he’s a troll.

She’s amazing.

assault? I must have missed that part

And Weinstein is the one guy who SHOULD be in prison.

To some people, nothing, apparently. It appears some are even ramping up their pitchfork-chase, calling for jail time/compensation (GTFO, he showed some women his dick). If anything, other offenders will see this reaction and be LESS inclined to admit to it, so, yeah, they’re part of the problem.

“At 24/25, Page was no longer a girl and had the maturity to turn down a Woody Allen film if she so wished.”

Well, thanks goodness some dickbag on Kinja knows Ellen Page better than she knows herself. 

Yep, exactly. CK can not be compared to Weinstein.

I think the credit he gets is “he didn’t make it worse.”

For the record, nobody thinks that.

This is the best possible statement he could release, in that he’s still just as much a piece of shit as he was yesterday. Which is a lot, but at the very least he didn’t go “oh they’re lying” or “I was drunk...and now I’m gay!”

And y’all thought 2016 was bad because so many famous people died.