
Replying to you rather than take the guy out of the grays, but this loonnnngggg conspiracy post from some burner/gray made me LOL, especially this bit:

Isn’t that amazing!?! I read it a few times too, copied and and wondered “where are all the places I want to share this news”.

Take your pills.

think he’s a refugee from Liberia, too.

And, apparently, Mik Pappas.

Marshall held that seat since 1991

The symbolism here is delicious. She slew the dragon and took his treasure.

Roem and Carter really represent the way forward for the Democratic party both in state races and on the national level.

No the dude she beat wrote Virginia’s attempt at such a bill, but it never made it out of committee. I think her victory is an excellent condemnation of the idea.

It will. It is. This is a big step and the way she ran this race should be a playbook for all candidates. Amazing.

I had the opportunity of talking with Ms. Roem at an event this past spring. She seems like a genuinely likeable person who wants to make a positive difference in the Commonwealth, and I am thrilled that she won.

Now this is far better news than Northam.

Who the fuck are you talking to and what the fuck are you talking about, boy?

Almost entirely. Sikhs do not proselytize. All are welcome to join, but Sikhism is almost entirely coterminous with people of North Indian extraction, mostly from the Punjab - the geographic region, not just the Indian state of the same name. Sikhism is more than a religion, it’s tied to a specific ethnic and cultural

Maybe you’re a “poor widdle Millennial”, but I’m a 40-year old Gen X’er. I watched as my parents’ generation came to power in the 1990's and promptly enriched themselves at the expense of America. They shirked their duty as stewards of their own nation, allowing pollution to run rampant, infrastructure to fall apart,

Ugh. The “baby boomer” demographic DOES exist, and it’s the reason why we have an outsized number of old people at the moment.

Hoboken resident here.

They also don’t appreciate that the millennials and immigrants they like to disparage are the ones they will need for their care in old age.

According to statistics, they are.

I have a feeling that once the baby boomers start to die off, American society will correct itself.