
“This is an entire political party whose only mission is to sacrifice the good of the entire country for a handful of wealthy overlords.”

“Obviously, if they had a moral compass, Trump would never have been the nominee.”

And on top of all that, we had to endure Orrin Hatch’s hissyfit when called out on what an obvious tax cut their plan is for the rich.

I wonder how much money China extorted from us to release them.

Maybe he was just being friendly?

Why is it every time I see a post from recognitions there’s almost always one followed by you and it’s disproportionately vicious?

I’d say Stranger Things is more a flagship show than House of Cards. Hell, for awhile, Orange is the New Black was getting the most press and attention.

Except for the whole part where NO ONE just wakes up one day and declares they’re transgender.

That was kind of incommensurately vicious, no?

I’d wait to see / hear if there are any other accusers from his past work. Otherwise, if I’m unclear which side to believe, I believe the accused. Innocent until proven guilty (or at least a preponderance of evidence). Here it really is a he said / she said thing, no?

Eeesh. I don’t know how to parse your criticism in light of the fact that the showrunner and creator is herself the child of a transperson, but...okay.

You can be damned sure the entire cast of Arrested Development is being interviewed by Netflix HR right now though.

Bull fucking shit.

That is about the stupidest and most inept use of logic I’ve ever heard.

Yep. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, not after an accusation is made.

Wait, what? Half as bad as Franken? The fuck is this shit? In the photo, Franken never lays his hands on her. And the kiss was part of a skit. Fuck out of here with that “half as bad” bullshit.

“The kids are barely on the side of tolerable even when they have Maura to ground the show around.”

Yeah, I agree. There’s a rush to judgment with practically 100% of these accusations.

The rest of that family is precisely why I stopped watching that show. Maura’s kids are insufferable.

Exactly. Why are customers making up for what the employer is too cheap to pay their employees?