
I know everyone hates that it is Arya that kills the Night King and Jon Snow doesn’t really do anything. I’m actually fine with that. Jon Snow is a boring character played by a boring actor and a climactic showdown between him and the blue guy would be boring. However, what I can’t abide is how goddamn gutless that

Between this and Capcom pushing DRM that breaks their games on steam deck so that no one can mod in a Chun-Li titty or a Zangief hog, it’s a real banner time for “Japanese video game companies that are huge petulant shitheads for no reason.”

Fam, yes. Omega-level yikes over here.

*And accepted as a society that ever increasing automation reduced the need of people to work on those industries, instituing UBI so that people have the power to pursue their actual interests.

I don't know what point you think you're refuting, but I don't think it's mine. My point was only maybe we should have worked out how to automate the Amazon fulfillment warehouses before we made robots who can write songs.

After the absolute savaging that Secret Invasion got, this comment is even dumber. Gasp, two people on the internet had different thoughts about a thing. 

The former. 

I see the sentiment “we were promised a future where technology allowed us to be free of tedium and grunt work so we could pursue art and culture but what we got was technology making art while we labor in the gutters for ever-decreasing pay”. Hard to argue with.

I blame business major cunts who’ve never had any

Playing chess with a pigeon, etc etc.

If you want to play a modern version of the good Arkham games, just play Insomniac’s Spiderman. Bespoke, narrative side-quests and detailed environments crafted with clear intention - along with that sort of ‘dodge and parry when this icon is above your head’ gameplay that, when done right, feels slick as hell.


I don't know if it's really any stupider, but the capacity of these people to get on your feed, in your home, at any time multiple times a day has caused a sickly level of smug attention-seeking to be grafted onto it. They're not just stupid, they're also doing a little song and dance at all times. 

It's so wild and busted that we even give airtime to the opinions of the terminally concussed.

Rose is an incredible character who brings an absolutely necessary slant to Doctor Who’s reinvention. Her tendency to always seek out the underdogs, the lower classes, the workers and maids and laborers while the Doctor rubbed elbows with the wealthy and the diplomats and whatnot was both narratively useful for

I enjoyed the Red Dead games quite a bit, but bounced off of GTA V after it became clear that the writers have a, uh, let’s say ‘problem’ with women. 

Hey, me too! The time limit mechanic just made me feel intense anxiety and pressure to be doing the right thing, but I had no idea what the right thing was, so there was just a lot of scrambling and panicking. 

If it makes you feel any better, I just beat my second playthrough, this time on Royal, and I can confidently say that this game is Bad, Actually. Even when you account for the needlessly opaque systems (love to have a fusion generator up at all times so I know how to get the stupid ugly pokemon that I want), the

Doctor Who’s ‘science’ has always been just fully magic, though. Like, they might make up some nothing technobabble on the spot, but let’s not pretend that “the giant magic wasp” or “the magic guard bird that kills you” are somehow less flagrantly magical than “the magic goblins who surf time using coincidence”. 

I didn't. https://youtu.be/-qUmy7XFeUY

Well, the difference is that presumably Davies’ puzzle-box companions won’t be weirdly fetishized and fundamentally empty. And the Doctor won’t be simultaneously in-love with and paternalistic over them. God, Moffat wears his baggage on his sleeve so openly. 

I had a similar issue which I was able to fix, though the methods escape me at present. I'd search reddit for "street fighter 6 slow motion". If I remember it being a pretty simple fix.