
It’s a glib joke about how his fans all act like sociopaths online. 

Almost forgot Slay the Princess, man what a banner year for indies.

Another year of me being salty that the new Zelda is ranking so high despite being in many ways (narratively, world-design, dungeons) weaker than it’s predecessor - which I was also salty about the height of its placement the year it came out.

I said he seems nice, not that he seems cool. He’s openly rebuked some of the alt-right chuds to their face, like that Geeks and Gamers douchecanoe. But yeah, I think he’s just a dude thoroughly incapable of introspection who mirrors whatever works or whatever he’s around. I wouldn’t be surprised if he likes Ayn Rand

Perhaps, wildly, men could just stop being fucking slimeballs. 

Oh, 10000% agreed. I looked up a list of all of his films for reference and there’s not one good one in the bunch. The best I’ve ever seen from him is ‘fine.’ He’s part of that crop of directors who started in music videos, but seems like maybe he should have stayed there. 

Worth mentioning - Zack Snyder seems like a very nice man who is doing his best, this movie is fairly diverse and he’s dunked on some of the alt-right chuds who worship him right to their face - but his fanbase is one of the worst on the internet. The intersection with MauLer fans, who are actually the worst, is

Snyder fans love this shit though. They don’t want to think about what the characters are feeling (most aren’t very interested in how other people are feeling in-general), they just want to move on to the next overshot tedious action scene. 

I argued elsewhere that it feels like fourteen hours of the most interminable student film nonsense and about five minutes of horror so gut-churning intense that it gave me a headache. I don’t think that it justifies its runtime by any possible measure, but I will give it credit - in the fleeting moments where I felt

I mispoke. Of 3, 4, and 5 - five is the worst cast. Persona 1 and 2, the tone is so wildly different they kinda feel like apples and oranges.

Which is too bad, because the FemPC had much better social links. 

Oh, Cersei would 3000% -lose-, I’m just saying that Arya might get a cool scar out of the deal if she let her emotion get the better of her and Cersei got exactly one moment of surprise over her before being killed.

I don’t hate that! Plus it might be fun if we’re playing as Dorothy, but we get to get an outsider’s view of P in action. 

Kinda hope they just fully move away from P and do a different character each game. I feel like P had his story, and I was satisfied with it, and now any further story with him will just feel like “and then he did another thing” rather than something personal and rooted in an actual character arc. But maybe they’ll

Maybe I’m just salty because I’m trying to get into Royal right now and it’s reminding me how much everyone sucks. Like, even Sakura at the start is like “normally I don’t let MEN in my passenger seat” and I’m like “sir, I am a troubled child who you are legally responsible for.” 

My controversial take is that Persona 5 has the absolute weakest cast of any of the games since 3, and one of my least favorite casts in a game that I actually completed (usually when they suck, I just drop the game and move on.)


Ryuji: Dumb, annoying shithead who reliably makes the worst decision possible

I dunno, Arya does some pretty cruel shit for cruelty’s sake later on. She could want to toy with her prey, and get just overconfident enough to let Cersei get a single hit in before it’s over. 

Everyone is saying that Venture Brothers should be #1, but I’m actually going to argue that Home Movies should bump just one spot higher. It’s just so quintissentially Adult Swim in my head - a failed product from another network that they adopted and let flourish. It fundamentally altered my taste in humor from

To be fair, Oolong is also nine at the time.

EDIT: I actually don’t know if this is supposed to be in pig years, lol.

Clint is fine. He’s just an awkward lonely guy, but he’s harmless. At no point does Emily intimate she’s uncomfortable with him or doesn’t regard him as a friend.

Now Alphys, meanwhile, is an actual war criminal.