I'll even eat my words there, because I think this outfit she designed herself is actually really cute. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/04/08/fashion/05LENADUNHAM-1/05LENADUNHAM-1-superJumbo-v4.jpg
I'll even eat my words there, because I think this outfit she designed herself is actually really cute. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/04/08/fashion/05LENADUNHAM-1/05LENADUNHAM-1-superJumbo-v4.jpg
I’m not in Nicole Byer’s comments complaining about her outfits, because she dresses well. I’m not in any number of fat drag queen’s comments complaining about their outfits because they dress well. (Except you, Kandy Muse. I remember that alien look.)
I don’t care that she’s plus-sized, I’m fat and my husband’s fat and there are a ton of gorgeous fat people who dress great.
I might be more interested in some of these recent gay westerns if all the gay characters weren’t cast as delicate porcelain twinks. Just kinda feel like it loses some of the aesthetic appeal at that point when I’m supposed to take Benedict Cumberbatch as a rugged outdoorsman rather than a fancy little lad out for his…
Yeah, when will men put away childish, frivolous pursuits like video games and pursue more mature, dignified hobbies like dressing like absolute dogshit?
I don’t think anyone with a chronic illness is surprised by any of this. People love to ask how you’re feeling so that they can congratulate you on being brave/a fighter/etc when you politely just say “fine” and downplay things. People don’t like when you actually acknowledge how much it fuckin’ sucks because that’s…
I’ve been going to see cool, out there shit at the Drafthouse since I was 12, driving an hour and a half to Austin with my dad to see Spirited Away and the Buffy Hush/Once More with Feeling double-feature.
This news is genuinely devastating.
Just his magnificent supernatural powers and his laser sword versus a foot-tall muppet. And his apprentice who also has magnificent supernatural powers and a laser sword.
They may not take them, but they sure will let them continue languishing in slavery, apparently.
Certainly not a reason why they keep having people become space nazis when they take children, incapable of consenting to this lifelong path, away from their entire support structures and then train them to be sexless emotionless weirdos who also happen to be superheroes with laser swords - with the threat of magic…
If someone came along and was like “you don’t need to be a slave anymore, you have special magic powers. Your loving mother though? Fuck her, actually - chattel slavery for her, she’s not useful or special” I too would become a malevolent cyborg that burned down everything they stood for at the first opportunity.
Meanwhile, me shouting to my husband: “fuck yeah, babe, Jenny Nicholson put out a four hour video this time!”
Probably worth mentioning - almost no one I know who loves longform video essays on youtube just watches them like a movie. I cooked dinner, did dishes, did laundry, swept, and played three runs of Slay the…
I’m in Chicago right now for Grad School, and the Happy Hour for my cohort did feature a bunch of Chicago native peer-pressuring the rest of us to do Malort shots. It was absolutely awful. Like someone poured Popov into an ashtray, swirled it around, and you drank that.
Nah girl, you're right, my tone here was meant to be more teasing and less shitty and I think I lost track on that almost instantly, sorry.
If you spend a hundred or two bucks for a nice meal once in a while, sure. Go with god. Can set aside a few bucks each week to get there, not a hard pull. If you buy a new car, cool, there’s a good chance you’ll be using that every day and you’ll be able to resell it at some point.
If you spend six thousand american…
I’m sorry, I really am, but there’s no reality in which you can be well-adjusted and also think that a two night stay in a nerd hotel that costs more than many American families make in an entire month is ‘worth the cost.’ Like, just absolute ‘let them eat cake’ shit, good lord.
The Doctor defeats a sun monster by creating a spirit bomb through the use of song, this is barely a sci-fi show.
The toymaker is from the first doctor, where he was similarly magically omnipotent.
Yeah, if this was actually a joke from 19 year olds, it would just be a slow fade of Chris Pine melting into Peter Griffin with big block letters reading “krumker” at the bottom, or something equally unparseable.
Yeah, young women never like quirky British boys with homoerotic subtext.
Barry here joining the pantheon of old folks shitting on things predominantly aimed at teenage girls and probably carrying around a swollen nutsack full of a false sense of intellectual superiority while not knowing that’s the most tired-ass pop…