
I literally still have the URL for the Steam Deck/Switch article in my task bar above. I have no idea why this article loaded instead when I went to the comment section.

I have functionally no interest in most of Nintendo’s first-party lineup (the only switch Exclusives I’ve played were Three Houses, Pokemon, and BotW. Oh, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 for some stupid reason.) so for the most part, my switch was an indie title device - I’ve got, like, 400 hours of Hades on there,

Man, this site functions like dogshit. This is a comment on entirely different article. This overwatch article just loaded above it randomly, and now I can’t delete it. 

I dunno, considering their game of the season runs like absolute dogshit on native hardware and has a 60fps patch on emulation, it might be worth mentioning again.

I have functionally no interest in most of Nintendo’s first-party lineup (the only switch Exclusives I’ve played were Three Houses, Pokemon, and BotW. Oh, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 for some stupid reason.) so for the most part, my switch was an indie title device - I’ve got, like, 400 hours of Hades on there, 200

You can say that, but it’s a complaint I’ve heard from basically every Sims YouTuber I’ve ever watched - LilSimsie, Plumbella, etc. One of many reasons why they all seem to prefer Sims 2 or Sims 3.

Currently binging all the way through Bob’s Burgers while playing through an extremely modded version of Skyrim on the Steam Deck that adds an in-game museum with a checklist for basically every possible thing there is to collect as well as a mod that adds xp-based leveling so I can keep grinding to a minimum.

Counter counter counter point: The Sims is and has always been rated for Teens, which is the life stage where many folks are at their most sex weirdo-y. If it was a squishy E-rated experience (like that Nintendo 3ds space I don’t remember the name of, that was wall-to-wall furry porn for a while there) I might agree -

It’s hearsay, so take it with a boulder of salt, but: https://simscommunity.info/2017/09/20/theres-a-crazy-rumor-about-why-burglars-are-not-included-in-the-sims-4/

Counterpoint: I would rather they just rate the game as M and let it be a free-for-all. Among the many, many, many problems with Sims 4 is how squeaky clean and sanitized everything is. Reading stuff about how they took burglars out because they some players found them scary just makes me so bummed.

My formative years were 1999-2005ish, a period where our movie stars were, I'd argue, worse than they've ever been at any point in history. Let the concept die, if it means nobody is gonna try to convince my of the raw charisma and talent of Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon again.

Bob’s Burgers is literally one of the shows I’m going through and trying to read old reviews and comments sections for as well. 

Unrelated, but I am on my hands and knees begging the AVclub to just take me to a list of reviews when I click on the show name on your website.

Are you fucking nerds seriously complaining that someone told you that, at some point, you will use a stick with a knife taped to the end?

Oh, I never said nobody wanted to -play- that game. I’d buy a copy day one. 

You mean aside from their decades-spanning, billion-dollar disinformation and lobbying efforts meant to keep everyone from ground-level up to the higher positions of power in this country confused and worried about the effects that any and all alternative-energy initiatives might have on their jobs, health, etc? The

Yeah hun, I’m sure it was those mean nasty women who don’t love your dumb wizard books as much as he does. 

The problem is that nobody wants to make a video game about drawing and quartering oil executives in the streets, which is what it will actually take to save the world from a group of people with billions of dollars invested in a political apparatus that guarantees we’re all going to go extinct for the sake of

Twitter has made us all so much fucking stupider, good god. 

The twins could low-key get it.