
Votes Sanders.

Agree to disagree, my friend.

All they need is butter.

So...Die Hard?

Fine I will see the Jason Statham giant shark movie instead.

God I love that movie.

This letter sounds FAKE AS HELL to me. Either this is this person’s first job serving or they are meek as fuck and in the wrong damn business.

Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.

See, all you have to do to make money is be one of the most famous performers in the world. The system is working!

This is why I don’t go to parties.


I’m, uh... I’m gonna maybe not do that at the office.

Fact: Anyone who calls themselves a purist is horrid and a waste of valuable space in society.

I also enjoy brats, but they are an entirely different beast. It all depends on mood and situation. I also spend a lot of summer nights around a bonfire with family. Cooking hot dogs over a fire is just much more practical than trying to cook a raw brat on a fork while drunk.

Easy there edgelord...

Easy there edgelord...

Ketchup on a brat?! You're a monster.

Oooohh, now do one where you bitch about all the Trump articles, Great Job Internets, lack of music coverage and the letter grades for your favorite show. Come on, man, play the hits!

There has always been a tension between boil in beer and cook fresh. On one hand I like the flavor of beer in my brat and it makes it easier to cook on the grill because the brats are already cooked so you are just charring. But on the other hand, boiling renders the delicious fat out of the brat.

Eat what you want. Exercise more. Happiness ensues.

"Mmm, this sausage is so mildly spiced… but I fear it could be milder" - Wisconsin apparently.