It was a picture of Walter White that said RIP underneath.
It was a picture of Walter White that said RIP underneath.
Guess I should have been clearer in my initial comment. The spoiler was for the series finale. So that's only 6 months. I mean if I'd stumbled across it on the internet I wouldn't care. But on a tshirt?
Well the spoiler was for what i presume is the end of the show. So I mean, that's only 6 months ago.
I'm watching with my husband and he sucks at binge watching tv so it's going SO SLOW. Maybe he's the jerk.
Well the spoiler was for what I presume is the end of the show. So that's only.. 6 months or so. I mean it didn't ruin my day or anything, but it's kind of annoying.
I'm on Season 3 of Breaking Bad right now and yesterday I saw a guy with a spoiler for it ON HIS T-SHIRT. I mean, yes my fault for being slow to watch, but that is a jerk move, right?
Tell that to my cranky husband who doesn't become a person until after he has his bowl of oat bran.
Seriously. I am a do not touch zone when sleeping.
Yup my mother in law sent it to all three of her kids and I knew, I just knew before I even watched it...
Ripped from the headlines! My first thought too.
6 months after we got together my now-husband and I spent two months backpacking through Thailand and Vietnam (ie lots of stress, troubleshooting and erratic mealtimes). OH the fights we had before I realized that my generally reasonable dude becomes a total monster when his blood sugar drops! We almost broke up over…
I did, err do. Saved enough to keep making the minimum payment whilst on the road. Now that I'm working again I pay more.
Well I can tell you from experience that in my early twenties I worked hard (and moved back in with my mom) for 2 years and saved 20K, then backpacked around the world for 18 months.
I imagine if you're living in a boat parked in a marine your overhead is fairly low, than it looks like they've been in mexico for the…
From briefly looking at their blog it looks like they had day jobs in San Diego, then saved up money to go travel.
Okay I would not do what they did for a huge variety of reasons, but I do find it amazing how quick people are to jump on people without knowing many facts at all. You saw it with the guy, Harry Devert, who went missing while riding his motorcycle through Mexico. Everyone was jumping at the bit to blame the guy for…
I'm glad you mentioned this! I'm also a freelancer and although we aren't ready for babies yet, I figure that our childcare arrangement will be a mix of me staying home part time and freelancing part time, then amping it back up when the kids are a bit older.
I didn't have bridesmaids, but I'm acting as one in a wedding next month and I couldn't be happier that my friend wanted to make me an official part of her day. It IS a big expense though, so I agree that if you would only be doing it begrudgingly, than just say no.
This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Can. no. stop. laughing at that polar bear.
If you are out in the world somewhere. We are both in the travel industry so we do a lot of documentation on location.
This is NOT new. My husband has had one of these for years. It's great for when you need to take a video of yourself speaking.
Sorry, my numbers were slightly off, but Kinja won't let me edit. Anyways, very big city, lots of unwanted babies. Hope they come up with a new solution.