
The problem with SH-e-o is not with Weiss, who is ceo of a very successful and credible company, regardless of how she comes off in that interview. It’s with writers looking for a “cute” way to package women in that role—especially when they lead a company that sells girls things like makeup or clothing. It’s

I meant it literally.... she is a professional boxer

Uhhh it sounds to me like Catherine realized what a nightmare her family was and peaced the fuck out a long time ago. #TeamCatherine.

You are not the only person to do this but can we quit the body shaming? You don’t have to like her but going on about her ass deficiencies is not okay.

A live look at Martha Stewart in Florida

Having endless resources doesn’t automatically lead to healthy lifestyle decisions — look at all the celebrities who abuse drugs to no end. I wish you a happy 2018 and that your financial burdens get easier!

I’ve lived in DC for the past 8 years and can say with confidence that you should never plan snowday-eve drinking based on the Capital Weather Gang’s hype.

But if he’s been raptured, then he literally ghosted you.

If Chad is the representation of the kind of quality people in heaven, I’ll be happy I’m going to hell instead.

Those dresses are war crimes and if Markle wore one to a royal wedding, I’m afraid the UK would take it as an unprovoked attack by a former ally.

This confuses me.

It’s so much like Dan Bakkedahl from Veep IRL I can’t even believe it

Now playing

My first thought was that ridiculous Margot Robbie bathtub scene in the Big Short where she’s explaining subprime mortgages.

I don’t worry about Sanders’ self-esteem. What I worry about is the message it sends to others, particularly young girls: “everyone knows that being fat is a worse crime than defending a racist”. Meaning if you are a nice girl who happens to be fat the message is you should be ashamed of yourself, because the person

This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.

Regular Jane replies:

Jesus, the most disturbing thing about that article is that the mothers of a couple of the girls seemed to think that it wasn’t just OK, it was flat out great to have their teenage daughters “courted” by 30something Roy Moore.

That’s in the bathroom.

Oh, no. You called the most important people in my life BASIC! Oh, the insult! I rue the day I gave them jewelry they like and have sentimentality towards!

“.....being aggressively British.” That is hilarious and perked my afternoon right up. The next time my husband gets himself wound up about something, I’m going to tell him he’s being aggressively British.