
Ok, Anna. I can take making fun of Ted Cruz. But FitBits are, and always will be, the Queen Bees of fitness tracker and mine looks so cute I swear #keepthefitbitsoutofthis

That guy looks like every single one of my ex boyfriends combined

This picture is the perfect representation of all of the presidential candidates, like look at Trumps smug lil face

I’m totally on board with more body diversity, especially showcasing the bodies of real women athletes. But does anyone know why Rousey is wearing the swimsuit of a postpartum Iowan in 2003? Any feedback would be wonderful.

I fucking adore Barbara Bush and anyone who doesn’t can meet me for pistols at dawn. She’s a national treasure.

I just want you to know that this made me laugh this hard I cried because I’ve never heard anything more true in my whole darned life.

“Looks great! But the crowd was aging, the gift bags included a shoehorn and a box of pasta, and everyone left at 8 p.m.” ——- This sounds like the description of a truly incredible party, and I for one am quite jealous I could not attend.

I know a couple of people have mentioned consignment, but I really like apps like poshmark where you can buy secondhand. I’m a student so I don’t have more than 40$/mo to spend on clothes, really, but I buy quality pieces (especially from sellers like Brooks Brothers) secondhand and I’ve gotten a lot of use out of