TS Idiot

Yes, and there are Log Cabin Republicans too. Why is beyond me, but there are.

Give me Puma Man or give me death! Or Mitchell. Or Alien from LA. Or Final Justice. Or…

You forget to mention that he had a tour de force performance in one of the greatest comedies ever, Raising Arizona.

If only… Man Bites Dog is pretty amazing, and he gives one of the most entertainingly chilling performances ever. Saw it on a double bill with Reservoir Dogs back in the early 90s…good times…

Clive Revill (the voice of the Emperor in The Empire Strikes Back) on I Was There Too this week is amazing…my god, the voice, THE VOICE!

I do care

I think you're making Flippy Floppy. We may be living in Life During Wartime, and I don't think you're a Psycho Killer, but it sounds like you're Burning Down The House with statements like this. If anything it's a Naive Melody.

J5 corny? GTFO. ABC. Dancing Machine.The Love You Save. I'll Be There. I Want You Back. Never Can Say Goodbye. Mama's Pearl. I think all top 5, and all good/great tunes.

The very quick cut editing for the mid 70s gives it a pretty modern feel, though the voice over is decidedly period. Outside of the "A boy, a girl, and a universe" hogwash it's a pretty effective trailer IMO. And the slow push up of the (unfinished) title logo is pretty rad. If I had been a kid back then…and I was…I

I enjoyed their first album, saw them at SXSW in a tiny little courtyard in 2006 or so and it was a blast - the singer had a busted ankle in a cast and still leapt around like a monkey. Fun stuff. Not necessarily world changing music, but fun.

Ooh, with that comment I predict a riot… But I can kind of see the moniker - it's very catchy brit poppy punk with a bouncy beat. It's not really dance music, it's not really punk music, but I get it.

Fair point.

"Tania Raymonde (playing Brittany, a prostitute doing clerical favors for Billy)"

Was there a signs saying "NO CHINS"?

I want chicken, pot, and pie. Not necessarily in that order.

Worst Columbo murderer ever.

When I was living there in 87 the top show by miles was Dallas (about 3 seasons behind I think). Pronounced Dah-lahss. That and Dee-nah-stee.

I've been reading some older Sci-Fi - Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat series. He's an entertaining writer. Not deep, not heavy and thoughtful, but a lot of fun. The main character (James "Slippery Jim" Bolivar DiGriz) has a very Han Solo space scoundrel vibe to him.

The "powdered sugar" and "face powder" were perhaps of Bolivian origin?

I was thinking more about him actually making a comedy film, not just being in one for a quick cash grab so he could make another 14 minutes of F for Fake.