TS Idiot


No, Lady Gaga did Express Yourself. She just called it Born This Way.

Mama Sia Mama Sia Mama Sia let me go

I'm curious, there has been a Suberboy, Superman and Supergirl…has there ever been a Superwoman?

It ain't like he's got a Dollar Shave Club membership.

Inexplicably? Just off the top of my head: West Wing, Sports Night, Charlie Wilson's War, The Social Network, The American President, Moneyball, A Few Good Men. Say what you will, that's a pretty damn fine track record.

Whoever reboots it toots it.

Well, he is a Smooth Criminal. I know, I know, that was Bad. I should look at the Man In The Mirror and Beat It.

There should be a Law & Order: Falsely Convicted. Each episode could start with a cop planting evidence. We then follow the suspect as he or she is given an over worked under paid public defender who doesn't have the time or inclination to prepare a decent defense. Our suspect then gets railroaded by a system

Hell yes. That's in response to Grodin claiming he has claustrophobia, and it's delivered perfectly.

Midnight Run is modern comedy masterpiece. De Niro and Charles Grodin are brilliant together, and the rest of the cast is also great.

So the writer for a remake is known for writing shitty remakes. Sounds like a winner!

The talk show format is stale, and suffers from being pretty much the same old, same old some 50 years on - Conan's no exception. Fallon knows full well he's not a great interviewer, so he has fun with the format, and makes his guests look like good sports in the process (whether or not it's "funny" is another matter

He may just have to start sending his resume to one of those shows he hates so much…

How am I supposed to get a vagina in my butt?

That is a really stupid reason to not listen to a really good band. or, in your words, "so, so stupid."

Carol Reed's two other collaborations with Graham Greene - The Fallen Idol and Our Man in Havana are also excellent and well worth seeing. Our Man in Havana has an amazing cast - Alec Guinness, Maureen O'Hara, Eernie Kovacs, Noel Coward (Selznick's original choice for Harry Lime!), Burl Ives and Ralph RIchardson.

Orson Welles continued his association with Harry Lime in a much lighter hearted radio show in the rely 1950s The Lives of Harry Lime. You can find it at archive.org and it is really entertaining and well written/performed (plus it has the zither music) - he travels the globe, constantly scheming and cheating his way

It was probably done partly as an homage to the recently deceased Cooke as well.