TS Idiot

The short lived radio show - I think you can find the whole run over at archive.org in the old time radio section - is a work of genius. So far ahead of its time.

I think you're missing the point of a black singer in the middle of the raging civil rights battles of the 1960s singing "A Change Is Gonna Come." It's not to try and outdo Sam Cooke, it's to present the potent and affecting message of the song.

I look down on him and my bank account's overdrawn.

Well, she's more of an actor than musician, but I thought it was ok if derivative (the song I recall basically sounded like Ben Folds meets Nancy Griffith). She's playing the Bluebird and writing w/ Ben Folds so she's got some chops.

But to be truthful it is a brilliant video. So simple, so effective.

Like I said, those two albums are straight up awesome through and through.

I'm a bit surprised Robert Palmer hadn't been in the top 10 before Power Station, considering songs like Bad Case Of Loving You and Every Kinda People (both were top 20).

Real talk, that's a diifferent Cromwell.

When they do and say stupid shit, sure. I don't mock "Christians," I mock people who behave like sanctimonious twats and spout hypocritical BS in the name of their religion. And most of my Christian friends (of whom there are many) join in that mockery. It's not the religion, it's the person.

What does gay food taste like?

I'm excited for Moynihan to do more Ted Cruz - his creepy mouth pucker and oblivious sanctimony kind of nailed the TC persona.

His brief appearance on Northern Exposure as a silent clown with a traveling circus who falls for the taciturn Marilyn was an exceptional piece of TV as well.

No, they're not. Marion County (Indianapolis) voted 58% Democrat in the last gubernatorial race, compared to Pence's 36%. It's sort of like the Austin of Indiana.

That's how he tricks you. It's all a front.

"Ninjas in Paris" - Woody Allen's latest, is his first foray into martial arts films. It features a sparkling, romantic Parisian backdrop as an older clarinet wielding Sensei (played by Allen) tries to get into the panties of his teenage protege (Elle Fanning) while they discuss post impressionism, Beaudelaire, and

Indianapolis companies and the mayor have vehemently come out against the bill, so Wilco is basically punishing the folks in the state who share their anger.

You got us. Anti-semitic diatribes are just for winners like you.

America is not ready for the inevitable deluge of pun ravaged cricket references.

I love the original series, and can see your point, but I also have a perverse desire to see it in a more three dimensional representation. Would it be as good as the original? I doubt it. But if somebody had an extra $100,000,000 or so lying around and put the money up for it, I'd be interested to see what arose.

I think a live action Samurai Jack would be astounding with the artistic inventiveness, the surreal locations, the amazing array of alien life, the near silent visual storytelling.