

It works the opposite for me, Ben Shapiro is an example of a guy with zero confidence in his own masculinity.

To their credit, the Brits have progressed with a bit more cultural acceptance  regarding the cross-dressing issue.

For the culture that literally created modern pee porn, removal of the Giant Woody is the ultimate defenestration

We all are, overcoming years of bias, especially unconscious bias, is difficult.

The only problem I have with your comment is theaverage ignoramus” bit.

For me it’s made “Star Wars” fun again, can’t ask for more than that.


The bulk of Monty Python’s output was after the Beatles broke up.

They got old.

If you’ve seen any of KS’s youtube blog entries she takes her health regimen pretty seriously.

There’s this girl that’s been on Phil’s mind
All the time, Sue-Sussudio

There isn’t enough karma in the universe to justify that trade-off.

Land of Confusion.....indeed.

Given the....ahem...competency displayed by the Miami-Dade law enforcement agencies in the show there’s obviously still enough serial killers operating in the southern Florida area to support another 20 seasons of Dexter.

When the Chinese Army rolled into Tiannamen Square there was very little regard over whether the tents those APC’s were destroying were occupied or not.

So this is basically like Schlitterbahn, only with less decapitations of 10 year old kids.

Probably the same in the end, with Kubrick 200 takes to get the one that made it into the film...with Corman 200 individual scenes to finish up the film that day before the sets get torn down or repurposed for the next film.

At the time, probably Gilda Radner.

He was probably the best thing in Casino Royale (1968).  He also had the lead in The Front.