
Well, Kubrick did manage to make a film with Jack Nicholson wielding an axe and made it out alive so who knows. If you look closely at the scene where Wendy forces him to go investigate Room 237; when Nicholson walks away he looks directly at the hand-held camera, which was being run by Kubrick, and you can see the

You can bitch and whine all you want but to these eyes the most important fact is that anything viewed on a physical Blu-Ray, 4k or otherwise, will always look better than the same film streamed....especially if the IP’s start throttling band-width again.

This is the first I’ve ever heard that Theron was a problem on the Fury Road shoot.  The issues with the film was filming a complex action film whose location was one of the most inhospitable places on the planet.

The axe will die a horrible death as the handle breaks while chopping wood for the next scheduled noble wedding.....

By George, I think he’s got it!

83 year old dies from death, not exactly a world shaking pronouncement.

Yo momma should be able to help you out with that.

You can rent it right now from Amazon Prime for 2.99, worth every penny IMHO.

In honor of Daniel Snyder, I propose: The Washington Foreskins

If necessary WB will wait until next year to release this film.  It’s budget was reportedly over 200 million.  If they release it on a streaming service it will likely bankrupt the studio.

While usually organized by the local law enforcement, S&R teams typically come from the Fire and Rescue services.  In this case the criticism is completely and utterly unfounded and without merit.  This poor woman is being treated with the same level of support that a white person would get under the circumstances.

Is TLOU1-2 the greatest achievement related to storytelling in the history of gaming...there’s certainly a strong argument for it.

It’s great that she wanted to spend some time with her child, all too often we hear stories of neglect, but the best advice to others at this point is if you’re going to do something like this try your hardest to bring another adult along with you.  While you usually end up having a great time spent with your child

Given the literally hundreds of human avatars she brutally kills during the 30 plus hour playtime.....playing a sad Johnny Cash cover of a None Inch Nails song is the highlight of her day.

Agreed, the first three seasons of Cheers were phenomenally good, with Season 2 quite possibly being the greatest 22 or so episodes of comedy ever shown first run on American television.

Given the quality of Chef Fieri’s food it seems “Colonbust” would be a better name.

While there’s no evidence Eastwood was physically abusive, he did have a penchant for directing her in brutal rape scenes, 3 times:

When the accused is a member of a rich and powerful cult known for using every form of threat and harassment, legal and otherwise, to protect it’s celebrity members.

Even Alien 4 is more enjoyable than Alien 3.

Writing it in CAPITAL LETTERS doesn’t make you specious argument any less simplistic or inaccurate.