
I do.

High Definition overly bright 4k scans have not done “The Evil Dead” any favors. This is a film that demands to be seen in a print as scratchy, grainy and dark as can be found. A copy of the roughly used Thorn-EMI video-tape that I originally viewed the film with would be a welcome addition to the inevitable 40th

Damn, that’s worse than than if that boarding/ballet school was run by a coven of witches...

There’s a pretty big difference between wearing a fake police uniform and wearing A FICTIONAL STORM TROOPER COSTUME THAT IN NO WAY REPRESENTS A UNIFORM THAT WOULD EVER ACTUALLY BE WORN IN REALITY.

The COS has plenty of available cash made from bilking the rubes.....errr....faithful.  

You’ve obviously made up your mind that Suspira is “fundamentally shitty”

People still go to record stores, in fact Vinyl has been out-pacing CD sales for a number of years now.

You’re definitely in the minority on that one. The plot isn’t all that great but anyone watching Italian Horror for plot has obviously walked into the wrong theater.

Apparently the duo hasn’t any of Argento’s films since around 1990

Hasn’t this show pretty much been a slog since Season 2?  The show runners took what was a fairly entertaining super-hero show and turned it into a dystopian nightmare of depression and angst.

Pundits have predicting the death of the movie theater since 1928 when no one was sure that this new-fangled talking pictures technology could be replicated in a big room with seats.  They were wrong then and they’ll be wrong now.

The remarkable part of the role Lancaster chose to play was the gradual physical and emotional deterioration of the character....turning the final 10 minutes of the film into one of the most haunting portraits of emotional/physical desolation ever portrayed on film.

99% of individual human beings don’t have enough collective power to change the course any other individual for the next 5 minutes, let alone affect the entirety of society for even a nanosecond.

Ole’Man Belshaw is perfectly fine as the foil to those stupid meddling kids.

1. Goldeneye -still hold up well for me, in the top 5 Bond films IMHO

Every day we come closer and closer to Cafe’ Flesh.

Draco’s opinion of women is not out of place for an ex-commando, organized crime lord of his generation.  I agree it’s not pretty but there’s nothing about the character that unrealistic.

Ditto, I think the problem with Savalas is that too many people see him and just think of his sketchy parody of himself from Kojack.

For years in the early 70's OHMSS was the only Bond film that would regularly show up on ABC’s schedule. Typically once a year during the summer, which gives the film a huge nostalgia effect for boomers like me.

Moore’s mistake was not leaving the role after the relative high of “For Your Eyes Only”. “Octopussy” and “A View to a Kill” are easily the worst Bond films IMHO, Moore was simply to old and tired to convincingly play the role after 1982.