
I don’t think Connery could have pulled off the vulnerable side of Bond that Lazenby haphazardly slips into during OHMSS. Don’t get me wrong, I think Connery is a far better actor than Lazenby, but the Scottish bully-boy version of Bond encouraged by the directors and production company limited his acting choices.

Rigg also more than held her own as Vincent Price’s cross-dressing daughter in “Theatre of Blood”.

That’s the death of Michael Gothard’s assassin character in “For Your Eyes Only”, easily one of Moore’s best Bond films.

Even Moore had his moments, in “For your Eyes Only” particularly, 

The music “industry” has been a shite-show that’s exploited the artists since its inception. The reprehensible neglect of UMG in protecting the valuable property in their care is yet another stark reminder why monolithic faceless corporations are the bane of mankind.

“Broken English” may be the best album of any artist in the Rolling Stone’s orbit, it’s that good. Given the long hard life she’s lived the prognosis is not good but I’ll wish her a speedy recovery anyway.

Waiting for Probst to claim - and in Survivor Season 100 watch as Boston Rob plays against 17 clones of.....Boston Rob! 

Getting rid of EoE is essential for me to ever again have any interest in this show....that and making sure Boston Rob never appears on Survivor in the future.

They still let him contribute two of the most bizarre songs of his career, Nefertiti, Teenie Weenie Boppie, to Gall’s next album so they must not have minded too much.

His songwriting ability certainly elevated a number of rather pedestrian French singers, France Gall and Bardot come to mind, into heights of delirious pop perfection. Both Initials B. B.” by Bardot and “1968" by France Gall have had recent well deserved U.S. vinyl reissues.

Don’t forget “Island of Terror”, a low budget but very effective film Fisher made in 1966.  That’s the one where an ill-advised experiment results in silicate creatures being unleashed that suck the bone and marrow from humans.

All three of his last films are pretty disturbing psychological studies in human horror, while not as popular as his earlier films they all worthy of reappraisal and are more mature and effective than the horror comedies.

Invisible Invaders, from 1959, has some influence on NOLD as well, particular in it’s scenes of the pasty faced dead rising and stalking the living:

More entertaining than the last couple of DC Batman movies.

I think the reviewer is very grumpy about all other forms of public entertainment being cancelled by COVID-19

It’s pretty simple Harvey....if you’re still able to get it up then masturbate.  You’ll have plenty of time for that in prison.

I still like the show, but they REALLY overdid the twisty mixing of timelines in which there were no indicators of which timeline was which.

TNG had a run of 7 seasons and over 170 episodes to explore it’s supporting cast. TOS has 3 and 79 episodes.

They’ve certainly hemmed themselves into a Musical Box, the Watcher of the Skies definitely won’t be pleased that Gabriel or Hackett will be off viewing some Cinema Show while the reduced band plays until Supper’s Ready.

One of the few games where watching a youtube video of the cut scenes was better than playing the actual game.