
Disappointing but not surprising considering that 2/3rds of the typical Bond box office comes from foreign markets.  April seemed to be an odd choice for releasing a 250 million $$$ plus franchise film anyway, especially on Easter Weekend.

While I admire him for diligently exposing the Weinstein’s of the world....is Ronan now the final arbiter of what can and can’t be published?

The break you’re remembering was from the 1965 version of ATTWN called “Ten Little Indians”. It’s not nearly as good as Clair’s 1945 version and I remember the 65 version being more than a little cheap and exploitative, as evidenced by what the producers decided to call “The Whodunit Break”.

You haven’t tasted life until you’ve fucked it in the gall bladder.

In real life, yes, just for the toxicity of his personality alone.

Checking Box Office Mojo, the film made around 24 million domestically and around 46 million worldwide after 1 week of release.  With a budget of 7 million the film is already a financial success.

That would be Shelly Miscavige, the wife of cult leader David Miscavige. She disappeared into the foul bowels of the Cult of Scientology 14 years ago and hasn’t been seen since.

Because the corporate entities which produced that silly show easily made 10 times that much.`

You’re correct about overt call backs to DS9 but the morally ambiguous tone, especially concerning Star Fleet, matches DS9.

Not only that, but the Romulans didn’t even know that area of the cube existed and Hugh certainly didn’t want them finding out about it.

Steven Seagal IS Roman Polanski in Flee!

The relatively swift at around 119 minute Quantum of Solace is starting to look better now.

Nothing new in any of this. Jacky Susann parleyed bad writing into lucrative movie deals 55 years ago.

Universal’s original 1931 version of “Dracula” isn’t based on the book, it’s based on the 1927 Deane/Balderston stage play. It’s most certainly a heavily romanticized version of Stoker’s original, and certainly suffers because of this.

Perhaps YOU haven’t aged well....


The rape conviction carries a minimum of 5 years, unless he purchases a presidential pardon there’s little chance of him weaseling out of that.

Albert Fish died, Jack the Ripper died, Wayne Williams will die....El Cuco has done this for hundreds perhaps thousands of years. The next episode asks the real pertinent question at this point....can it be killed or even contained?

Because Ralph, easily the most level-headed (at least to the outside world) character was there the entire time.

I have to admit EH is a guilty pleasure of mine.  A very good haunted house in space movie that completely falls apart in the third act.