
Indeed, the producers of Spartacus knew they were delivering hammy, bloody fun and delivered it with aplomb.

The absolute last thing you want is to make a toxic a-hole like Drumpf a political martyr.

Though the xenophobia hasn’t gone away

He also chose to produce Mind Games himself (with some help from Yoko), wisely leaving Phil Spector and his insufferable “Wall of Sound” in the dust.

She may have been an undiagnosed diabetic during the time of the exploitative interview with “Doctor” Phil. There’s a very thin line between mental illness and chemical imbalance.

The Razzies rescinded that several years ago, although in a back-handed way that placed all the blame on Kubrick and none of the blame on their organization for failing to recognize a great acting performance.

She was, but elected to turn back and face Aemon and Vhagar, perhaps to atone for her decision not to burn the greens when she had them in the cross-hairs during Aegon’s coronation.

So, basically a sequel where Tom C. plays a jerk, basically himself, dying in increasingly horrible ways for 2+ hours.

CSNY’s first public performance was August 16th 1969 at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago.

Soul was also a pretty good Pixar film, whose release was impacted by Covid.

You are correct, it was on at 7:30 on WJW Channel 8, the CBS affiliate.

Groening has made both claims in various interviews, from the early 90's.

His character in “Day of the Locust” was Groening’s inspiration for at least the naming of Homer Simpson.

Since it’s a French new wave film, it’s about the folly of capitalism, the benefits of communism, the utopia of anarchism, the hell of authoritarianism, the contrivances of mid-1960's film conventions and occasionally about a man and a woman.

To deal with it in an authentic way, though, would be opening up a can of worms that Disney and Pixar would clearly rather avoid.

Even though the show was named after the Doctor character, initially Ian was the de-facto traditional male lead with the Doctor serving more of a supporting role.

There are plenty of documentaries, and one fine semi-autobiographical film, that detail the darker side of the Beach Boys and Brian Wilson’s story.

Beyond Thunderdome’s ending made it clear that Miller is engaged in some post-apocalyptic myth-making. These stories are the result of oral traditions by the civilization that eventually rose up out of the ashes.

Rickman played a character that’s featured from the 1st book through the last and whose character arc is essential to the entire saga.

Coppola is 85 and this is very likely his last film, which he financed himself and is currently having trouble finding a distributor.