
The organized criminal organization that is Scientology has gone far beyond mere abuses of money and power. Educate yourself concerning the exploitation/abuse/deaths of their non-celebrity membership.

Not everything’s about race.

The character killed was an alien not a representation of any earthly race.

Agreed, I re-watched Nemesis just to reset in my find how Picard had been left on-screen...and found the film much more entertaining than when I last saw it during it’s theatrical release 18 years ago.

Heaven forbid that we don’t take the victims opinion into account:

It’s encouraging that a singularly eccentric talent like Stanley is getting a second chance at directing without the studio interference that afflicted his past projects.

You can tell he’s the King.

It’s true that DS9 had some real stinkers in the first couple of seasons, but when it was good it was very good and the two-part pilot remains the best pilot for any of the various Trek series.

Season 2 was during Michael Hurley’s dictatorship, a guy who basically had no experience with science fiction and it shows.  He was also the producer that got Gates McFadden tossed off the show.

Art School drop-out contrarian hipsters

It wasn’t a matter of no interest....it was a matter of producer interference and Lynch not really understanding what the novel was all about.

To the studio at least, there were over a billion reasons why this film was made.

At this point I’m entirely convinced that any attempt to make SW 9 was doomed to draw the ire of the entitled minority of the fan base that would gripe about the finished film even if they had been given the opportunity to write the damned script themselves.

He also co-wrote and appeared in the 1970 film adaptation of “Catch-22", one of the harshest military satires ever filmed, both MASH and that one came out in the same year, a sign of the times.

Henry was the only guest host on SNL that would even consider appearing in that type of sketch, which is why he was so popular with the staff. He even got injured in one of the Samurai sketches when Belushi got a little too close with the sword.  Henry was game enough to turn the accident into further comedy gold in

1. I believe the shots of the planes flying overhead were of bombers with the Iron Cross insignia used by the Luftwaffe. I don’t recall the Nazis or the Allies ever bombing Paris, especially not in 1943 since by then, in our timeline, Paris had already surrendered several years prior. This seems to be too deliberate

This really felt like a classic Who 8 or nine part story that was missing the middle episodes. That’s the biggest complaint I’ve had with NuWho, while the sense of immediacy in shorter arcs can make the show more exciting, plots which were explored more thoroughly in Classic Who.

This Master isn’t necessarily the one that comes after Missy, it could be an incarnation much like when Doctor #1 encounters Doctor #12.

Even better, this is an episode that could have fit with the Third Doctor.

So you weren’t disturbed that those women, who were in their twenties at the time, would have slaughtered everyone in that house?  Do we need to recap what those women actually did in real life?