
The revisionist history didn’t happen until the final scene. Given all that’s been written about Manson’s cult, particularly by Ed Sanders in “The Family”, the Spahn Ranch scene has elements of truth and no revisionism. Underneath the fake hippie exterior the whole group was extremely hostile to outsiders, including

“We see brief glimpses—a fin, a shadow, a quick flash of movement. We see potential victims from the shark’s point of view, a slasher-flick trick.”

I saw it June ‘75 in a full to capacity theater; forced to sit in the front row with the screen hanging over my head like a tombstone. It was the most terrifying movie experience of my life and for years afterward I always sat in the back row of the theater.

You can buy a grey market blu-ray version of Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair an Amazon UK.  In a home setting where you deal with watching the whole 4+ hour film in one sitting it’s clear and obvious that Kill Bill was intended to be one long film.  The two halves work perfectly together.

...or rent out the Auschwitz Museum for a bar mitzvah. 

Life Cycle of typical proposed Del Toro film project:

It’s a real shame that EA’s corporate overlords will never allow the tools to mod ME abnd Andromeda to ge released to the general modding community like BS did with Fallout.

Riiiiight....and that ancient old punter Willy Shakespeare has nothing relevant to say anymore about the human condition.

Can we do both?

If there’s anyone in the world capable of delivering an objective, nuanced and correct opinion of the role super-heroes play in out current culture it’s Alan Moore, he wrote the book, literally, on it.

Given what’s been revealed about the “Old” republic in the Star Wars universe the push and pull of the liberal “Republic” (jedi/good) and fascistic “Empire” (sith/bad) has been going on for millennia. 

It was a whole bodies worth of neatly wrapped body parts.

Disney needs to spend some of those streaming dollars on building a better SW Universe Name Generator.

Eleanor has already proven herself to be a better person, going all the way back to season one.

Brent was about to have the same kind of realization that Eleanor had in the first season, he is a dirtbag and that’s condemned him to eternal torture.

None of the prior experiments had the imposed time limit this one had.  John arguably become a better person and Brent was one the verge of the same kind of self-realization that Eleanor achieved.

While the loss of the Yorktown was regrettable, the American navy almost immediately replaced her with bigger, better designed carriers. The Japanese lost their 4 fleet carriers, which for them was irreplaceable. The results of Midway effectively eliminated the IJN as a force capable of projecting power in offensive

The Cleveland Browns need to sign that cat stat! He’s got more of a sense of how to reach the end zone than anyone currently on the Brown’s roster.

Shocked? Shocked that a member of one of the ultimate sell-out bands married a women who’s willing to sell her religious beliefs to the highest bidder?

Obviously, Veidt was kidnapped by his jailers 10+ years prior to the start of the series with his death being assumed.