
Yes, for this game he would have been recorded on the official score card as a pitcher only.

I know it doesn’t make any sense, but even a godawful team like the Orioles will win 50-60 or their games.

At the MLB level a well thrown curveball at 55mph can be more effective than a 95mph fastball thrown in a straight line.

Nichols gets away with it because he mercilessly critiques Braddock’s behavior as the film progresses. While Henry and Nichols are initially sympathetic toward Braddock at the beginning of the film they are unsparing in making him thoroughly unsympathetic until they utterly destroy any illusion that Braddock has “won”

And you can’t say that the influence of a living Sharon Tate wouldn’t have prevented it, and it wasn’t just his wife that got murdered.

Polanski was as much a victim as anyone else in this story and would have been killed if he happened to be out that house rather than in London at the time.

All brought to you by a deity that resembles a sociopathic adolescent using a magnifying glass to burn all those ants...er...humans that have offended him/her/it.   

Since “The Bible..in the beginning” was filmed at Cinecitta in Rome using many of the same artisans and industry technicians that worked on Satryicon...I’m more than happy this film is the closest we will ever get to “Fellini’s Bible”.

Sadly, we currently have a President of the United States for whom this tweet would have been the LEAST offensive utterance, especially if it only involved his wife and not some underage beauty contestant.

I can attest that some, like myself, were a bit amused by the toxic fandom backlash against Series 8 but quickly became more than a little annoyed by it. The prequel appears to be in good hands and if it’s anywhere near as good as the first 6 seasons of GOT then the prequel will do fine, regardless of what

Sadly, it has been for decades, just look up the pile excrement named Morris Levy.

It was directed by Donen and the Drimble Wedge sequence was one of the most memorable sequences in the film.  It showed that even at that stage in his career Donen still had a knack for creating great musical sequences.

“A funny thing happened on my way to the forum” - great direction by Richard Lester plus great performances by Zero Mostel and the rest of the cast.

I’ll second that one. Once you’ve seen “The Silent Partner” you’ll never look at Plummer the same way again.

The biggest difference is that Cat Ballou is good. one of the funniest films from the sixties. Paint Your Wagon, while beautifully filmed, is a near 3 hour slog of a film.

I think you may be confusing Agile with the Gnome SDLC most of these gaming companies appear to be using:

Wait a minute here, QA staff aren’t embedded in the development teams?

Obviously, your cadre of sycophants needs to come from SOMEWHERE

Likely more than YOU

G. Vanderbilt was a more interesting person than you’re giving her credit for. For example, when she came of age and began to have control over her trust fund rather than keep paying her equally “idle rich” mother 21,000 a year in 1945 dollars she elected to give that money to blind orphans.