
I have to admit that compared to Spectre, Quantum of Solace comes off well as a minimalist but still ridiculous Bond. 

Anyone who’s read even one comic book arc knows that death is merely a minor medical condition that’s more of an annoyance than anything else.

It’s way way late in the game for Lady SH to show up. Here purpose for being, Stark Revenge!, has pretty much been taken up by Arya.

You need to read up on the later career highlights for George Harrison and Handmade Films.

Those aren’t reviews, they’re just a bunch of nitwits adding comments to the Want To/Don’t Wan’t to See tally.  This has nothing to do with actual reviews of a film that won’t be released to the critics for several more weeks.

And I’m sure RC would be more than happy to engage in some friendly fisticuffs to prove his point with any takers

to hell with blu-ray, that’s last decades upgrade, it’s gotta be UHD 4K HDR or it’s not worth the acronyms printed on the box.

Well....not to burst your well-considered bubble here, but in Roman times a “servant” was a slave. There is no historical precedent under which a servant of a Roman Centurion would NOT be a slave I.E. owned property. This, of course, puts into serious question whether that relationship was consensual or not.

Scientology doesn’t nearly have the power it had 10-15 years ago. Back then you wouldn’t even have heard about these allegations because the accusers would have been “Fair Gamed” into submission.

The producers and filmmakers are being kind to the original adaptation of Pet Semetary.  The kid wasn’t effective at all, was mostly silly and ruined any suspense or horror remaining in the film.

Die, Monster, Die already did it better way back in 1964. Nothing can top Boris Karloff’s stunt double running amok painted entirely in silver. 

The problem is Colman should have been nominated for a supporting role.  She didn’t dominate the entire movie like Collette did.

I think “The Last Airbender” pretty much dissuaded Shymalan from any further attempts at epic filmmaking.

Sadly, the best horror film of this year, the Suspira remake, is being completely ignored.  Likely due to it’s blink/missed badly handled theatrical release on the part of Amazon films.  Hopefully it’ll start to get the recognition it deserves when it’s released to streaming next year.

Colin Blunstone

It’s been long established in both classic and new Who that while the Tardis doesn’t always take the Doctor where s)he wants to go she takes the Doctor where (s)he needs to be.

The issues run more deeply than Bugthesda prematurely releasing a game that has barely completed beta testing. The deceptive marketing and abusive refund practices can burn away any good will with the fan base faster than a Scorch beast teleporting itself across the playing field due to lag.

Frank Booth visited both parties late last night and took them both on a “ride” until they sorted things out.

It will be 1 dollar less than the current FilmStruck subscription fee.

There was also the collapsing of poorly built and inspected viewing stands at Indy in the late fifties that resulted in a number of spectator deaths, and produced the most terrifying photo I’ve seen related to the racing world, and that one didn’t even involve one of the cars.