
Sad to say, but there were no front-line AA troops during D-Day.  they mostly served in rear-echelon segregated supply and support units.  There were the exceptions of that armored cavalry unit that was assigned to Patton’s third army during the campaigns to liberate France after d-day and of course there was the


Next up: The Fantastic Voyage of the Girl in the Bubble.

I prefer to think that House was just a projection of Wilson’s cancer damaged psyche by that point.

Rick: grumble, grumble, sad about dead wife/son, kill zombie, makes another bad decision

That’s no .38; that’s the same type of Magnum 45 that Clint Eastwood was running around with as Dirty Harry.

Unfortunately, the dessicated, completely rotted, void of any soft tissue zombies are now “evolving”. In a show with a long sad series of stupid plot developments this one has to be the dumbest of all. Just when you think the monkeys banging away at the word processors in the writing room have reached the nadir they

I’m sure Pat has a place for her on the CBN newsdesk.

The Saudis also forgot to mention that their prison food now contains 50% more dissident journalist meat.

You forgot the Quentin Tarantino directed Bring Me the Head of Gul Dukat

Ditto, that’s the one where Belushi and Akroyd decided to switch parts in rehearsal.  It’s certainly an oddly enjoyable movie that’s aged well.  Cathy Moriarty steals the show though.

The one who suffered the most was Lorraine Newman, by season 5 you can see her literally and figuratively disappear.

EVERY streaming service has a beat to hell copy of TSROD, AKA Count Dracula and his Vampire Brides. It’s in the public domain and easily the worst Hammer film ever made.  Lee had had it so much at this point he vowed to never play Dracula again and the film effectively drove Cushing into retirement, at least until

My problem was in the performance and not the makeup effects, a very limited 5 year old actor making “scary” faces.

I think that’s the point. Of all the bland protagonists in King’s novels Creed is the blandest. He’s a JAG who ends up making all the wrong decisions and totally screws up his life, and his families afterlife.

As much as I admire Salem’s Lot, it is King’s best book, Pet Semetary is no slouch in the scares department.

Given the twists and turns this series has taken, I’m not going to count on the existence of a “Good Place” until it’s actually shown.

Actually more like...”after pointing this out to the 12 year old boy coding our physics model he starting giggling hysterically and wouldn’t stop, so we sent him to bed without supper.”

You can have your sex and you can have your violence but combine your sex with violence and you’ll get in trouble every single time.

Michael’s character arc certainly seems to be him being a terrible “demon” but the perfect guardian angel for these four silly humans.