
These are people who would still send their paychecks to Jimmy Swaggert if they had the opportunity.

GotG succeeded because it satirized the typical megamanical comic-book villain in using Ronan as the films big bad. The look on his face when Star-Lord essentially challenged him to a dance-off was worth the price of admission. 

Please restate your query in the form of a question.

Ah Clem!

The Penguin’s lair was sort of an insane derivation of a zoo/amusement park/circus/sewage plant, it’s the most sensible location in the entire movie.

Paul Bunion needs to smack this perv upside the head.

Personally, I prefer the ambiguity of Herron’s film over Ellis’ gratuitous display of shock value. I like the fact that the film never really resolves if Bateman actually is a serial killer or if it’s all just a fantasy to counter his vapid real life.

I was there, and the selection of available films was better than what they offer on streaming now.

The poster I’ve seen does not crop out Vikander’s head. This looks to be more of a AV Club web design decision.

Hawking was an outspoken advocate for Climate Change science and atheism, the political gadflies are starting to gather...

I guess we can take it as a sign of progress that the majority of these “design choices” are over a decade old. The most egregious ones I could find for more recent publicity campaigns was for The Kingsman

Keep in mind that Ulysses was initially published in installments over a couple of years. It’s a book best read at a leisurely pace. 

Phasers are for wimps....now Disruptors, those things slowly destroy the cell structure and leave your target screaming in agony until the inevitable dissolution of the body.

Being forced to sponge bathe Kirstie the Hutt for the next 30 lifetimes seems a just karmic punishment for the NRA nut-jobbers

I think the issue with a “dark” ending for “Get Out” is that it was already done to perfection 50 years ago in “Night of the Living Dead”. When those flashing lights showed up at the end I was certain that was the direction “Get Out” was taking...but when his friend jumped out of that cop car it was an inspired bit of

Season 6-7 had a few decent individual episodes, but the depths of inanity got so bad that a mercy killing was needed.

The A.V. Club used to be the cool kids in the room, now they’re not.

Animated films get so disrespected at times that one of the best films of the 21st Century, Spirited Away(2002), wasn’t even mentioned in this list.

I’d say Billy Corgan’s Brobdingnagian Ego pretty much nixed that idea.

It was no Puss’N’Boots either